De Tempel ABC

Gedichten op alfabetische volgorde:

23 Psalme, The * 144

Aaron * 146

Affliction (I) * 018

Affliction (II) * 033

Affliction (III) * 048

Affliction (IV) * 065

Affliction (V) * 073

Agonie, The * 007

Altar, The * 003

Ana-(Mary/Army)-gram * 052

Answer, The * 138

Antiphon (I) * 023

Antiphon (II) * 067

Artillerie * 110

Assurance * 124

Avarice * 051

Bag, The * 120

Banquet, The * 153

Bitter-sweet * 142

British Church, The * 083

Bunch of Grapes, The * 100

Businesse * 088

Call, The * 125

Charms and Knots * 072

Christmas [A+B] * 056

Church Militant, The * 163

Church-floore, The * 040

Church-lock and key * 039

Church-monuments * 037

Church-musick * 038

Church-porch, The * 001

Church-rents and schismes * 111

Clasping of hands * 126

Collar, The * 122

Coloss. 3. 3. * 060

Complaining * 115

Confession * 098

Conscience * 080

Constancie * 047

Content * 043

Crosse, The * 133

Dawning, The * 086

Death * 158

Decay * 075

Dedication, The * 000

Deniall * 055

Dialogue * 089

Dialogue-Antheme, A * 139

Discharge, The * 116

Discipline * 151

Divinitie * 106

Dooms-day * 159

Dotage * 135

Dulnesse * 090

Easter (A+B) * 012

Easter-wings * 013

Elixir, The * 156

Employment (I) * 028

Employment (II) * 054

Ephes. 4. 30. * 107

Even-song * 036

Faith * 020

Familie * 108

Flower, The * 134

Foil, The * 148

Forerunners, The * 149

Frailtie * 046

Giddinesse * 099

Glance, The * 143

Glimpse, The * 123

Good Friday (A+B) * 009

Grace * 031

Gratefulnesse * 096

Grief * 132

H. Baptisme (I) * 014

H. Baptisme (II) * 015

H. Communion, The (A+B) * 022

H. Scriptures I + II, The * 029

Heaven * 161

Holdfast, The * 114

Home * 082

Hope * 093

Humilitie * 045

Hymne, A true * 137

Invitation, The * 152

Jesu * 087

Jews, The * 121

Jordan (I) * 027

Jordan (II) * 077

Josephs coat * 128

Judgement * 160

Justice (I) * 071

Justice (II) * 112

L'Envoy * 164

Lent * 062

Life * 069

Longing * 119

Love (III) * 162

Love I * 024

Love II * 024

Love unknown * 101

Love-joy * 091

Man * 066

Mans medley * 102

Marie Magdalene * 145

Mattens * 034

Method, The * 105

Miserie * 076

Mortification * 074

Nature * 016

Obedience * 079

Odour. 2 Cor. 2. 15., The * 147

Offering, An [A+B] * 118

Paradise * 104

Parodie, A * 155

Peace * 097

Pearl. Matth. 13. 45., The * 064

Pilgrimage, The * 113

Posie, The * 154

Praise (I) * 032

Praise (II) * 117

Praise (III) * 127

Prayer (I) * 021

Prayer (II) * 078

Priesthood, The * 130

Providence * 092

Pulley, The * 129

Quidditie, The * 044

Quip, The * 084

Redemption * 010

Repentance * 019

Reprisall, The * 006

Rose, The * 150

Sacrifice, The * 004

Search, The * 131

Self-condemnation * 141

Sepulchre * 011

Sighs and Grones * 058

Sinne (I) * 017

Sinne (II) * 035

Sinner, The * 008

Sinnes round * 094

Sion * 081

Size, The * 109

Sonne, The * 136

Starre, The * 049

Storm, The * 103

Submission * 070

Sunday * 050

Superliminare * 002

Temper (I), The * 025

Temper (II), The * 026

Thanksgiving, The * 005

Time * 095

To All Angels and Saints * 053

Trinitie Sunday * 042

Ungratefulnesse * 057

Unkindnesse * 068

Vanitie (I) * 061

Vanitie (II) * 085

Vertue * 063

Water-course, The * 140

Whitsunday * 030

Windows, The * 041

World, The * 059

Wreath, A * 157