Naming Indochina Wars

From: Vsg <> On Behalf Of David Marr

Sent: Monday, March 15, 2021 5:04 PM

To: Hawk, Alan J CIV DHA J-9 (USA) <>; 'Vietnam Studies Group' <>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] [Non-DoD Source] Re: Washington Post Book Review: "Three female journalists who braved the chaos of Vietnam" (correction)

I think the French-Indochina War should be 1945-1954, as fighting began south of the 16th parallel from October 1945.

David Marr


From: Vsg <> On Behalf Of Hawk, Alan J CIV DHA J-9 (USA)

Sent: Tuesday, 16 March 2021 5:53 AM

To: 'Vietnam Studies Group' <>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] [Non-DoD Source] Re: Washington Post Book Review: "Three female journalists who braved the chaos of Vietnam" (correction)

In looking at this thread, I was curious how the Correlates of War [url] characterized the time period. COW is a series of datasets created in an attempt to quantify military conflicts in order to, hopefully, prevent them. Among other things, it provides a list of all wars and civil wars from 1816 to present.

1946 French-Indochina War of 1946-1954 Extra-State War #457

1960 Vietnam War Phase 1 of 1960-1965 Intra-State War #748

1960 First Laotian War of 1960-1962 Intra-State War #751

1963 Second Laotian War Phase 1 of 1963-1968 Intra-State War #756

1965 Vietnam War Phase 2 of 1965-1975 Inter-State War #163

1971 Khmer Rouge War of 1971-1975 Intra-State War #785

1977 Vietnamese-Cambodian Border War of 1977-1979 Inter-State War #189

1989 First Cambodian Civil War of 1989-1991 Intra-State War #857

1993 Second Cambodia Civil War of 1993-1997 Intra-State War #881


Alan Hawk

Collections Manager, Historical Collections

National Museum of Health and Medicine

J-9, Defense Health Agency

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From: Vsg <> On Behalf Of Susan Hammond

Sent: Monday, March 15, 2021 1:21 PM

To: 'Markus Taussig' <>; 'Vietnam Studies Group' <>

Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [Vsg] Washington Post Book Review: "Three female journalists who braved the chaos of Vietnam"


I have the same issue as I work in all three countries and it is easy to lose the impacts of the war in Laos and Cambodia when you call the conflict the “Vietnam War” is it the “American war in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia” a bit of a mouthful and also has other problems.

As for Elizabeth Becker’s book. The Stimson Center will be hosting a discussion with Elizabeth about the book on March 30th from 1:-00- 2:00 EST. I will be moderating the discussion and there will be time for audience Q&A. Caution- < Caution- >


From: Vsg <> On Behalf Of Minh Bui Jones

Sent: Monday, March 15, 2021 11:32 AM

To: Markus Taussig <>

Cc: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Washington Post Book Review: "Three female journalists who braved the chaos of Vietnam"

Incidentally, you might be interested in a review of the same book by Martin Stuart-Fox in Mekong Review.

Regards, Minh Bui Jones

Meking Review

From: Vsg <> On Behalf Of Markus Taussig

Sent: Monday, March 15, 2021 1:04 PM

To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: [Vsg] Washington Post Book Review: "Three female journalists who braved the chaos of Vietnam"

Review of a book about path-breaking foreign journalists in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos during the 60s and 70s that may be of interest to some:

Caution- < Caution- >

In writing the above sentence, I also realized that I’m not aware of whether VSG has ever settled on an appropriate name for the war that was going on at the time. Apologies on that front. Writing “the Vietnam War” (or, to be extreme like in the review’s title, simply “Vietnam”) seems obviously flawed for this group, for obvious reasons. I’m of the belief that the also somewhat popular “the American War” is pretty problematic too. I suppose something like “the War over Independence” or “the War for Reunification” might work? Again, I can imagine I’m being a bit dumb, as perhaps this is either long-decided here or perhaps the type of issue that everyone’s agreed to disagree on. I blame my wanderings and ramblings of my mind on the pandemic!

Cheers, Markus


Markus Taussig

Associate Professor, Management & Global Business

Rutgers Business School < Caution- >

1 Washington Park, Ofc. 1044, Newark, NJ 07102 < Caution-

Tel (Ofc): (+1) 973-353-2922 < tel:973-353-2922 >