Vietnam and migration

David Haines <>

date Feb 5, 2007 2:39 PM

subject [Vsg] Vietnam and migration

Re: ICAES and East Asian migration

As some of you may already know, the International Congress of

Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (ICAES) is held every four

years, with the next Congress now scheduled for Kunming, China in July 2008.

I have been developing a set of interlinked panels on East Asian

migration for that Congress. The general structure will be one panel

on general comparative issues regarding East Asian migration

(especially its implications for development and change) and then two

more focused panels, one dealing with the economics of migration and

the other more with social and cultural aspects.

I am particularly interested in having good representation from

Vietnam whether for cross-border ties with China or the range of

refugees, labor migrants, and spouses who now connect Vietnam with

the rest of East Asia.

So if you have an interest in Vietnam's interconnection with the rest

of East Asia through migration please let me know. Actual paper topic

is quite negotiable.

You can respond off-line to:

David W. Haines

Associate Professor of Anthropology

George Mason University SOAN 3G5

Fairfax VA 22030

President, Society for Urban, National, and

Transnational/Global Anthropology (SUNTA)

Office: 703-993-3600
