Ernest Outrey - Archives
From: Paul Sager
Date: 2009/2/25
Does anyone know if Ernest Outrey, Député from Cochinchine to the French Assemblée nationale 1911-1936, has archival papers anywhere? CAOM, French Archives nationales, anything? Any clue would be appreciated.
Paul Sager
From: Christina Firpo
Date: 2009/2/25
Hi Paul,
I found lots of his stuff in HCMC archives II but it was scattered throughout different files. It wasn't specific to his work for the national assembly, it was more about his casework. If I remember correctly Tran Huy Lieu criticized him pretty heavily too.
I think I may have found the answer to our French newspapers problem, I'll get back to you when I've figured it out.
Christina Firpo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Southeast Asian History
CalPoly University
San Luis Obispo, California
From: Gilles de Gantès.
Date: 2009/2/25
Hi Paul and Cristina
Ernest Outrey (born 1863, Constantinople) came in Indochina in 1884 as a civil servant. His career was brilliant (see his "dossier d'Agent", ANOM, Aix, EEII files ; Camille Devilar : Comment on perd une colonie, Paris, 1927 and Lamagat, Souvenirs d'un journaliste indochinois, 3 vols): Administrateur 1889, Inspecteur 1907, Résident supérieur 1910. He was given to speak Vietnamese and to read chinese. He was fond of explorations (around Thu Dau Mot) and founded the European town of Cap Saint-Jacques (Vung Tau). He was a close friend of Bonhoure and a good Republican. He gave his demission in 1914 before being elected deputy (1914 and not 1911). After his election, he turned conservative (against bolchevism, against Monin, against Varenne). A lot of files concerning Outrey are available in France (Assemblée nationale, ANOM). You should have a look on the Dictionnaire des Parlementaires français.
Gilles de Gantès.