Agent Orange litigation

From: tak uesugi <>

Date: Jun 8, 2006 12:30 PM

Subject: [Vsg] Agent Orange litigation

Dear list,

I'm a doctorate student in anthropology at McGill University. I am planning to do my research on the health and community effects of Agent Orange and the litigation. Is there anybody working on this topic?

From: C. David Thomas <>

Date: Jun 8, 2006 1:48 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Agent Orange litigation

Dear Tak,

Many, many, many people are working on the subject. You might try janet

gardner in NYC. She is doing a documentary on the subject. Her e-mail The Fund for Reconcilliation and development in

NYC also has done considerable research. You might contact John MC

Auliff (Director) at

Good luck,


From: Vern Weitzel <>

Date: Jun 8, 2006 2:08 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Agent Orange litigation

Hi Tak,

And in Viet Nam we have an email list network on Agent Orange.

It is a part of the NGO Resource Centre Agent Orange Working

Group and you are welcome to join. Just let me know or go to:


BTW, lots of other eList available as well, see below.

From: Roy Hornsby <>

Date: Jun 9, 2006 7:05 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Agent Orange litigation

this photo essay may be of some use to you. A couple of the children pictured were still being cared for in the Hoa Binh Peace Village inside Tu Du hospital last time I visited there.

Photo Essay


Philip JonesGriffiths

Critical Asian Studies

37:1 (2005), 141-160

cheers - roy

From: Diane Fox (dnfox) <>

Date: Jun 9, 2006 9:12 AM

Subject: [Vsg] sources for research on Agent Orange issues

The proceedings of the CGFED* conference held this March in Hanoi to bring social science perspectives to bear on the issue of Agent Orange are on the website of the Fund for Reconciliation and Development, at, with research from many of the European social scientists working on this as well as the paper by the Michael Palmer on some of the economic impacts.

(This courtesy of Susan Hammond)

I'll also forward to you off-list two chapters I've published that may be of some use. But please don't feel the topic is covered--the work has just begun, and your addition will be quite welcome!

Diane Fox

(Center for Gender, Family, and the Environment in Development)

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