an online way to find per capita income by province in Viet Nam? and Vietnamese for a saying about rice and salty fish?

Diane Fox dnfox70 at

Thu Jul 28 21:07:10 PDT 2016

I’ve drawn a blank in my first search for per capita income in Quang Binh, Quang Tri, TT Hue, Quang Nam and Da Nang—in comparison to other regions of the country. Suggestions?

And… does someone know the Vietnamese for the saying that was told me in English as being something like “before taking salty fish, see how much rice is in your bowl” ??

thanks —


Diane Fox


Kiên Nguyễn kiennguyenxhh at

Thu Jul 28 21:54:06 PDT 2016

Dear Diane Fox,

I think that the saying would be "Liệu cơm gắp mắm".



Caitlin Wyndham cmwyndham at

Fri Jul 29 03:55:53 PDT 2016

Hi there Diane,

I thought this source might have it: <> - but it seems that’s one of the few indicators they don’t include. Thought I’d send through to you and the list anyway as it’s a useful and interesting resource and might be helpful.



Caitlin Wyndham

Consultant on Inclusive Development

PhD in Public Policy candidate

110 Quan Thanh | Ba Dinh District | Hanoi | Vietnam

+84 169 4634 855

cmwyndham at

Tim Gorman tmg56 at

Fri Jul 29 13:38:15 PDT 2016

Hi Diane,

There's a section on income in the 2012 household living standards survey.

Summary tables are posted online in English and Vietnamese here: (click on

the link marked "Thu nhập"). Those tables will give you an estimate of

monthly income by province for 2012. Hope that helps!



Timothy Gorman

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University

Email: tmg56 at

US Tel: (+1) 607-216-9845

Tim Gorman tmg56 at

Fri Jul 29 13:56:38 PDT 2016

In case anyone has trouble downloading the file from the GSO website,

here's the PDF itself. I think attachments are fine on the VSG list, but in

case I'm wrong about that, my apologies in advance.



Timothy Gorman

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University

Email: tmg56 at

US Tel: (+1) 607-216-9845

Diane Fox dnfox70 at

Fri Jul 29 15:14:58 PDT 2016

To put it in careful academic language: wow!! I am amazed by these monthly (!!) figures. When I first went to Viet Nam (1991), the annual per capita income was $200 something. The change is astonishing. It’s one thing to hear about improvement, another thing to see these figures (even given all the variables of cost of living, etc.)

Many thanks, Tim.


Diane Fox
