Sources on Vietnam - China Relations and Comparative Studies of Transition

From: Jim Delaney

Date: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 9:25 PM

Dear list,

A small number of VSG members are looking to begin a reading group exploring Vietnam-China relationships in the doi moi period and comparative studies of economic and political reform. We all of varying agendas, but they seem to converge on an interest in better understanding the degree to which there has been conversation and interplay between VN and China in terms of developing economic policy, and on various forms of exchange (political, investment) between the two countries over the past decades. None of us are China scholars, so we are groping around a little, and thought that the group may have some ideas on places to begin. Our current, fairly arbitrary, list is pasted below. I'll also circulate any additions to anybody that is interested.


Jim Delaney


Abrami, R., Malesky, E., & Zheng, Y. (2008). Accountability and Inequality in Single-Party Regimes: A Comparative Analysis of Vietnam and China. Working Paper 2008-0130. Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University.

Friedberg, A. L. (2006). “Going.Out”: China’s Pursuit of Natural Resources and Implications for the PRC’s Grand.Strategy. NBR Analysis, 17(3).

Guan, A. C. (1998). Vietnam-China Relations since the End of the Cold War. Asian Survey, 38(12), 1122-1141.

Kerkvliet, B., Chan, A., & Unger, J. (1998). Comparing the Chinese and Vietnamese Reforms: An Introduction. The China Journal, 1–7.

Luong, H. V., & Unger, J. (1998). Wealth, Power, and Poverty in the Transition to Market Economies: The Process of Socio- Economic Differentiation in Rural China and Northern Vietnam. The China Journal, 40, 61-93.

McMillan, J., Naughton, B., & California, U. O. (1996). Reforming Asian socialism. University of Michigan Press.

Perkins, D. H. (2001). Industrial and Financial Policy in China and Vietnam: A New Model or a Replay of the East Asian Experience? In J. E. Stiglitz & S. Yusuf (Eds.), Rethinking the East Asian Miracle. The World Bank.

Woo, W. T. (1999). The real reasons for China's growth. The China Journal, 115–137.

Woodside, A. (1998). Exalting the Latecomer State: Intellectuals and the State during the Chinese and Vietnamese Reforms. The China Journal, (40), 9-36.

Xiaosong, G., & Womack, B. (2000). Border Cooperation between China and Vietnam in the 1990s. Asian Survey, 1042–1058.


From: Balazs Szalontai

Date: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 11:17 PM

Ramses Amer. "Sino-Vietnamese Normalization in the Light of the Crisis of the Late 1970s." Pacific Affairs 67, Issue 3 (Autumn 1994).

Stein Tonnesson, "Sino-Vietnamese Rapprochement and the South China Sea Irritant." Security Dialogue 34, Issue 1 (March 2003).

Brantly Womack. "Sino-Vietnamese Border Trade: The Edge of Normalization." Asian Survey 34, Issue 6 (June 1994).


From: Ben Kerkvliet

Date: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 11:20 PM

Brantly Womack, /China and Vietnam: The Politics of Asymmetry/ (Cambridge University Press, 2006). Chan, Kerkvliet, and Unger, eds., /Transforming Asian Socialism: China and Vietnam Compared/ (Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield and Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1999).



Ben Kerkvliet

Emeritus Professor

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Australian National University, Canberra, A.C.T., Australia


From: Adam Fforde @ UoM

Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:41 AM

Try also, for an interesting take on the sheer amount of ‘spin’ out there

Nazrul I. Viet Nam’s Lesson for China: An Examination of the Sachs-Woo Hypothesis.

Working Paper WP13/2007/06. — Мoscow: State University — Higher School of

Economics, 2007. — 48



From: Adam Fforde

Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:47 AM

PS He got it published as Vietnam's lesson for China: an examination of the Sachs-Woo hypothesis. by Islam, Nazrul. Comparative Economic Studies • March, 2008



From: Martin Gainsborough

Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:54 AM

A few things here too!



Amer, Ramses and Nguyen Hong Thao, 2007. ‘Managing Vietnam’s maritime Boundary Disputes’, Ocean Development & International Law, vol 38 (3), pp 305-324.

Banloi, Rommel C. 2003. ‘Southeast Asian Perspectives on the Rise of China: Regional Security after 9/11,’ Parameters. Summer 2003.

Keyuan, Zou 2005. ‘The Sino-Vietnamese Agreement on Maritime Boundary delimitation in the Gulf of Tonkin,’ Ocen Development & International Law, vol 36, pp13-24.

O’Dowd, Edward and Lewis Stern 2005. ‘Paper Dragons: Chinese and Vientamese Views of the Asian Security Situation’ [draft paper].

Thao, Nguyen Hong 2005. ‘Maritime Delimitation and Fisheries Cooperation in the Tonkin Gulf,’ Ocean Developoment & International Law, vol 36, pp25-44.

Thayer, Carlyle 2008, ‘Vietnam’s defence policy and its impact on foreign relations,’ Paper for EuroViet 6, Universitat Hamburg, Hamburg , Germany, June 6-8.

Thayer, Carlyle 2008, ‘The Structure of Vietnam-China Relations, 1991-2008,’ Paper for the 3rd International Conference on Vietnamese Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 4-7.

Vuving, Alexander 2006. ‘Strategy and Evolution of Vietnam’s China policy: A Changing Mixture of Pathways,’ Asian Survey, vol. 26 (6), pp805-824.

Womack, Brantly 2004. ‘Asymmetry theory and China’s concept of multipolarity,’ Journal of Contemporary China vol 13 (39), pp 351-366.

Xue, Guifang 2006. ‘Improved Fisheries Co-Operation: Sino-Vietnamese Fisheries Agreement for the Gulf of Tonkin,’ The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, vol 21 (2), pp 217-234.;jsessionid=vfaaf6nok4h6.alexandra


Amer, Ramses, 2008. ‘Vietnam and China – Challenges for the Current Relationship’, Paper delivered to EuroViet 6, sponsored by the Asien-Afrika Institüt, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, June 6-8, 2008.

Amer, Ramses and Nguyen Hong Thao, 2008. ‘Vietnam’s Settlement of Border Disputes – Reviewing the Progress Made and Assessing Remaining Challenges,’ Paper delivered to EuroViet 6, sponsored by the Asien-Afrika Institüt, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, June 6-8, 2008.

Thayer, Carlyle 2002. ‘Vietnamese Perspectives of the ”China Threat’’’, in Herbert Yee and Ian James Storey, eds., The China Threat: Perceptions, Myths and Reality. London: RoutledgeCurzon Taylor & Francis Group. 265-287.

Womack, Brantly, 2006. China and Vietnam: The Politics of Asymmetry. New York: Cambridge University Press.


From: Andrew Wells-Dang

Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 3:53 AM

This is excellent, there are a lot more sources here than I was aware of! And yet more from my research on comparative civil society (including from some of the same authors already cited above):

Gillespie J and Nicholson P, eds. (2004) Asian Socialism & Legal Change: The Dynamics of Vietnamese and Chinese Reform. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press at the Australian National University.

Gu Xiaosong and Sheng Lijun, eds. (2005) Chinese Strategic, Economic and Social View of Vietnam. Singapore: Institute for South-East Asian Studies.

Kerkvliet B and Selden M (1998) “Agrarian transformations in China and Vietnam,” The China Journal 40: 37-58.

Kolko G (2001) “China and Vietnam on the Road to the Market,” Journal of Contemporary Asia 31:4, 431-440.

Leaf M (2001) “A Tale of Two Villages: Globalization and Peri-Urban Change in China and Vietnam,” Cities 19 (1): 23-31.

Womack B (1987) “The Party and the People, Revolutionary and Postrevolutionary Politics in China and Vietnam,” World Politics 39(4): 479-507.

Woodside A (2006) Lost Modernities: China, Vietnam, Korea and the Hazards of World History. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Woodside A ( (1991) Vietnam and the Chinese Model. Harvard: Harvard University Press.

Interested in joining this discussion group, too, once we get started!

Regards, Andrew


From: Larry Ashmun

Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 11:04 AM

The Moscow working paper URL =

Larry Ashmun



From: Jim Delaney <

Date: Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:24 AM

Hi everybody,

Thanks to all for sending in reading suggestions. I've pasted a compiled (and somewhat messy) bibliography below. It can also be found online at

We're planning to continue to cultivate the reading list over the coming weeks, so you may want to check back at the weblink later. Also, for those of you who use Zotero (and open source replacement for Endnote), please feel free to join the web-group.

Best, and thanks again,

Jim Delaney

Abrami, R. (2004). Private Entrepreneurs in China and Vietnam: Social and Political Functioning of Strategic Groups. The China Quarterly, 178(-1), 511-513. doi: 10.1017/S0305741004230296.

Abrami, R. M. (2002). Self-making, class struggle and labor autarky : the political origins of private entrepreneurship in Vietnam and China. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.

Amer, R. (2004). Assessing Sino-Vietnamese Relations through the Management of Contentious Issues. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 26, 320–345.

Amer, R., Schofield, C. H., & Furness, S. (2002). The Sino-Vietnamese approach to managing boundary disputes. Ibru.

Amer, R., & Thao, N. H. (2005). The Management of Vietnam's Border Disputes: What Impact on Its Sovereignty and Regional Integration? Contemporary Southeast Asia, 27(3), 429.

Amer, R. (1994). Sino-Vietnamese Normalization in the Light of the Crisis of the Late 1970s. Pacific Affairs, 67(3), 357-383.

Amer, R. (2008). Vietnam and China – Challenges for the Current Relationship. Presented at the EuroViet 6, Universitat Hamburg, Hamburg.

Amer, R., & Nguyen Hong Thao. (2008). Vietnam’s Settlement of Border Disputes – Reviewing the Progress Made and Assessing Remaining Challenge. Presented at the EuroViet 6, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg.

Banlaoi, R. C. (2003). Southeast Asian Perspectives on the Rise of China: Regional Security after 9/11. Parameters, 33(2), 98–108.

Chan, A., Kerkvliet, B. J., & Unger, J. (Eds.). (1999). Transforming Asian socialism: China and Vietnam compared. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Chan, A., & Wang, H. (2004). The Impact of the State on Workers' Conditions: Comparing Taiwanese Factories in China and Vietnam. Pacific Affairs, 77(4), 629-646.

Economic reform in Vietnam and in China: A comparative study. (2006). . Hano: The Gioi Publishers.

Gelb, A. H., Jefferson, G., & Singh, I. (1993). Can communist economies transform incrementally?: China's experience. Policy Research Department, World Bank.

Gillespie, J. S., & Nicholson, P. (2005). Asian socialism & legal change: the dynamics of Vietnamese and Chinese reform. Asia Pacific Press.

Gu Xiaosong, & Sheng Lijun (Eds.). (2005). Chinese Strategic, Economic and Social View of Vietnam. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

Kerkvliet, B., & Seldon, M. (1999). Agrarian transitions in China and Vietnam in A. Chan, B. Kerkvliet and J. Unger. Transforming Asian socialism: China and Vietnam compared, 98–119.

Keyuan Z. (1999). Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Gulf of Tonkin. Ocean Development and International Law, 30, 235-254.

Keyuan, Z. (2005). The Sino-Vietnamese Agreement on Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Gulf of Tonkin. Ocean Development & International Law, 36(1), 13–24.

Kolko, G. (2001a). China and Vietnam on the road to the market. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 31(4), 431–440.

Kolko, G. (2001b). China and Vietnam on the road to the market. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 31(4), 431–440.

Leaf, M. (2002). A Tale of Two Villages: Globalization and Peri-Urban Change in China and Vietnam. Cities, 19(1), 23-31. doi: 10.1016/S0264-2751(01)00043-9.

Lee, C. (2006). Recent Industrial Relations Developments in China and Viet Nam: The Transformation of Industrial Relations in East Asian Transition Economies. Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(3), 415-429. doi: 10.1177/0022185606064794.

McCormick, B. L. (1998). Political Change in China and Vietnam: Coping with the Consequences of Economic Reform. The China Journal, (40), 121-143.

McGee, T. G. [. (2009). Interrogating the production of urban space in China and Vietnam under market socialism. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 50, 228-246. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8373.2009.01395.x.

Nazrul, I. (2008). Vietnam's Lesson for China: An Examination of the Sachs–Woo Hypothesis. Comparative Economic Studies, 50(1), 111-157. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.ces.8100238.

Shambaugh, D. (2005). China engages Asia: reshaping the regional order. International Security, 29(3), 64–99.

Thao, N. H. (2005). Maritime Delimitation and Fishery Cooperation in the Tonkin Gulf. Ocean Development & International Law, 36(1), 25–44.

Thay, C. (2009). Vietnam’s defence policy and its impact on foreign relations. Presented at the EuroViet 6, Universitat Hamburg, Hamburg.

Thayer, C. (2002). Vietnamese Perspective of the ‘China Threat’. In H. Yee & I. Storey (Eds.), The China Threat: Perception, Myths, and Reality. New York: Routledge (pp. 265-288). New York: Routledge.

Thayer, C. (2006). The Structure of Vietnam-China Relations, 1991-2008. Presented at the Third International Conference on Vietnamese Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Tonnesson, S. (2000). Vietnam's Objective in the South China Sea: National or Regional Security? Contemporary Southeast Asia, 22(1).

Tonnesson, S. (2003). Sino-Vietnamese Rapprochement and the South China Sea Irritant. Security Dialogue, 34(1), 55-70. doi: 10.1177/09670106030341006.

Van Luong, H., & Unger, J. (1998). Wealth, power, and poverty in the transition to market economies: the process of socio-economic differentiation in rural China and northern Vietnam. The China Journal, 61–93.

Vuving, A. L. (2006). Strategy and Evolution of Vietnam's China Policy: A Changing Mixture of Pathways. Asian Survey, 46(6), 805-824. doi: 10.1525/as.2006.46.6.805.

Wang, H. (2005). Asian Transnational Corporations and Labor Rights: Vietnamese Trade Unions in Taiwan-invested Companies. Journal of Business Ethics, 56(1), 43-53. doi: 10.1007/s10551-004-1034-7.

Womack B. (2004). Asymmetry theory and Chinas concept of multipolarity. Journal of Contemporary China, 13, 351-366. doi: 10.1080/1067056042000211942.

Womack, B. (2006). China and Vietnam: the politics of asymmetry. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge Univ Pr.

Womack, B. (1994). Sino-Vietnamese Border Trade: The Edge of Normalization. Asian Survey, 34(6), 495-512.

Woo, W. T. (1999). The Real Reasons for China's Growth. The China Journal, (41), 115-137.

Woodside, A. (2006). Lost modernities: China, Vietnam, Korea, and the hazards of world history. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Woodside, A. (1971). Vietnam and the Chinese Model: A Comparative Study of Nguyen and Ching Civil Government in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Xiaosong, G., & Womack, B. (2000). Border Cooperation between China and Vietnam in the 1990s. Asian Survey, 40(6), 1042-1058.

Xue, G. (2006). Improved Fisheries Co-Operation: Sino-Vietnamese Fisheries Agreement for the Gulf of Tonkin. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 21, 217-234. doi: 10.1163/157180806777973059.

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