Dissertation on trade in 17th C Vietnam

From: Oscar Salemink

To: vsg@u.washington.edu

Cc: tonkinvn@yahoo.com

Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 3:50 PM

Subject: [Vsg] dissertation on trade in 17th C vietnam

Dear list,

This is to let you know that Hoang Anh Tuan, of the Faculty of History at Vietnam National University in Hanoi, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation at Leiden University in Holland, entitled 'Silk for Silver: Dutch -Vietnamese relations, 1637-1700'. The dissertation is based on the rich archives of the VOC (Dutch East-Indies Company), and focuses on the maritime trade of Tonkin mediated by Dutch vessels, and also on the economic, social and politcal effects of that trade on northern Vietnamese society. Tuan is a pioneer among Vietnamese scholars in accessing these sources in old Dutch language.

The study should become available in the Brill Tanap monograph series http://www.brill.nl/default.aspx?partid=18&pid=26625.

Oscar Salemink

John Kleinen <J.G.G.M.Kleinen@uva.nl>

date Dec 11, 2006 1:59 AM

subject RE: [Vsg] dissertation on trade in 17th C vietnam

The supervisors of Hoang Anh Tuan Anh's thesis were Femme Gaastra and Leonard Blusse, both from the University of Leiden. The Tanap group is "closing" its missing links of the VOC history with the mainland with this thesis and is loking forward to stimulate further studies in this domain. In 1929 Wilhelm Buch defended his dissertation at the Uiversitiy of Amsterdam with a study on the relations with Dang Trong (Quinam). An extended French summary appeared in the BEFEO (1937).