Nixon Considered Nuclear Options Against North Vietnam, Declassified Documents Reveal

From: Chung Nguyen <>

Date: Jul 31, 2006 9:04 AM

Subject: [Vsg] Nixon Considered Nuclear Options Against North Vietnam, Declassified Documents Reveal

Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:55:27 -0400

From: National Security Archive <archive@GWU.EDU>

Subject: Nixon White House Considered Nuclear Options Against North

Vietnam, Declassified Documents Reveal

National Security Archive Update, July 31, 2006

Nixon White House Considered Nuclear Options Against North Vietnam,

Declassified Documents Reveal

New Evidence Adds Historical Context to Current Debate about Nuclear Attack

on Iran Nuke Sites

For more information contact:

William Burr - 202/994-7000

Jeffrey Kimball - 513/529-5121

Washington, DC, 31 July 2006 - The Bush White House's reported interest in

using nuclear weapons against Iran's nuclear energy complex is but the most

recent example of how American officials since the administration of Harry

S. Truman have given serious thought to employing such weapons in crisis

situations. Details about one of these episodes were revealed today in a set

of formerly top secret documents published by the National Security Archive

that appear to confirm rumors and secondhand reports that President Richard

M. Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry A. Kissinger, discussed

the option of using tactical nuclear weapons against North Vietnam as part

of preparations for operation "Duck Hook," which was scheduled to be

launched against North Vietnam in early November 1969.

According to a memorandum from Kissinger aides Anthony Lake and Roger Morris

to Pentagon military planner Captain Rembrandt Robinson, the president would

need to decide in advance how far he would be willing to go; that is,

whether the president would be willing to use tactical nuclear weapons. This

issue, staffers pointed out, could not be decided "in the midst of the

exercise." Among the "Important Questions" mentioned in another planning

document Kissinger probably forwarded to or discussed with Nixon was this

one: "Should we be prepared to use nuclear weapons?"

Nixon ultimately decided against going ahead with the Duck Hook attack plans

in 1969 and thus, as his predecessors had in prior situations, tacitly ruled

out using nuclear weapons in Vietnam--although the issue would resurface in

1972. In the end, he decided that the costs of using nuclear weapons were

higher than any conceivable political or military benefit.

Released late last year by the U.S. National Archives, these documents raise

significant questions about White House military planning against North

Vietnam. Why did Lake and Morris bring up the question of using tactical

nuclear weapons? To what extent were they responding to instructions by

Kissinger to raise the matter? Did Kissinger and Nixon believe that nuclear

weapons were potentially efficacious for use against North Vietnam in the

circumstances of 1969? To what extent did Nixon or Kissinger push for

military plans to use nuclear weapons against North Vietnam? What

considerations led Nixon and Kissinger to abandon the concept of nuclear

weapons use from their Vietnam planning?

These documents, along with an essay by Archive senior analyst Dr. William

Burr and Dr. Jeffrey Kimball of Miami University, were published today on

the Archive's Web site.


THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE is an independent non-governmental research

institute and library located at The George Washington University in

Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents

acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt public

charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is

supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and


From: Chung Nguyen <>

Date: Jul 31, 2006 2:16 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Nixon Considered Nuclear Options Against North Vietnam, Declassified Documents Reveal

There is a quote in the essay by Dr. William Burr and Dr. Jeffrey Kimball of

Miami University

in the NSA archive that appears really startling. It's a response by NVN

negotiator Le Duc Tho

to Kissinger at a meeting in Paris on December 4, 1972:

"we . . . sometimes think that you would also use atomic weapons because

during the resistance against the French, Vice President Nixon proposed the

use of atomic weapons. . . . If we do not achieve . . . [our] goal in our

lifetime our children will continue the struggle. . . . We have been

subjected to tens of millions of bombs and shells. The equal of . . . 600

atomic bombs. . . . The simple truth is that we will not submit and

reconcile ourselves to being slaves. So your threats and broken promises, we

say, that is not a really serious way to carry on negotiations." (Note 8)

Nguyen Ba Chung

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