Treatment of "Out" Homosexuals in Viet Nam (or SE Asia)

From: Christoph Giebel

Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:29 PM

List --

I have been approached with a question about possible risks faced by homosexuals who are "out" in Southeast Asia. In this case, an openly gay man in Viet Nam.

Of particular interest would be:

• risks to physical safety and security as well as to mental and overall health;

* general social and cultural attitudes about homosexuality (e.g., innate v. "treatable sickness", social vice, etc.)

* specific social and cultural attitudes with harm potential for safety/security and health as well as human rights;

* institutional responses and systemic, incl. legal, discrimination;

* attitudes and possible actions by state and security authorities;

* existence or absence of GLBT support networks.

I would welcome any and all responses pertaining to Southeast Asia in general, and Viet Nam in particular. General responses, e.g., on literature, should be on-list. Specific and personal/confidential responses, of course, should be sent to me directly. Many thanks!

-- C. Giebel



From: Daniel C. Tsang

Date: 2009/2/11

There is a flourishing gay scene in HCM city; and a huge and growing online community. The situation is similar to China's where there is a laissez-faire attitude legally as long as the state is not challenged.Unlike former British colonies, there is no law against sodomy, for example.

I have more info. but just initially, here are some research sources:

Two Vietnamese NGOs have done research in this area but also more generally on sexualities in VN:

Institute for Social Development Studies


Consultation of Investment in Health Promotion

They are also local hosts for a sexualities conference in Hanoi this April: "...The seventh biennial meeting of the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS), entitled “Contested Innocence – Sexual Agency in Public and Private Space.” This conference is co-hosted by the Institute for Social Development Studies, and the Consultation of Investment in Health Promotion, and co-sponsored by the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations.

Their respective websites have links to publications (in Vietnamese and English).

In addition, an earlier report on Vietnamese sexualities appeared in Culture, Health & Society, Volume10 Supplement (June 2008), the issue called "Researching Sexuality and Health in Vietnam." Online (may be licensed access):

For Southeast Asia, see: The South and Southeast Asia Resource Centre on Sexuality:

Reports include one on Human Rights and the Criminalisation of Consensual Same-Sex Sexual Acts in the Commonwealth, South and Southeast Asia .

See the TARSHI publications page:



Daniel C. Tsang

Social Science Data Librarian

Bibliographer for Asian American Studies,

Economics, Political Science & Business (acting)


From: Kirsten W. Endres

Date: 2009/2/12

The International Encyclopedia of Sexuality has a chapter on Vietnam that also contains a brief section on homosexuality, it can be downloaded from:


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