Biographical information for current/recent leadership

"" <>

date Feb 23, 2007 7:48 PM

subject [Vsg] biographical information for current/recent leadership

Colleagues, I am wondering if someone might help me find biographical

information on current officials and representatives in Viet Nam. In

particular, I am seeking information on the dpeuty speakers of the

national assembly. I am having trouble getting through to the

National Assembly's web site. Any tipsm much appreciated.

Best wishes, David Del Testa

"" <>

date Feb 23, 2007 8:48 PM

subject Re: [Vsg] biographical information for current/recent leadership

Dear David,

I have the email of Ton-Nu-Thi Ninh, whom I met this past Wednesday. She

is a member of the national assembly and well as being vice-chairwoman of

the foreign affairs committee, and a few other positions. She is

currently doing the rounds on a US tour promoting her explicit desire of

opening up chanels of US-Vietnam relations. You might try emailing her.

Good luck. I hope this helps you.


Stephen Denney <>

date Feb 23, 2007 9:59 PM

subject Re: [Vsg] biographical information for current/recent leadership

The Vietnam Center at Texas Tech University has biographical files on the

communist leadership in Vietnam, which Douglas Pike had assembled from his

time in Saigon through 1997. Actually these are photocopies of files which

remained here at Berkeley's Indochina Center, but the files at Berkeley

are presently closed to the public. These files may be too dated for your

purpose, but would probably be of interest to others on the list.

Our library here at UC Berkeley also has some more current directories of

political leaders in Vietnam, with brief capsule biographies.

- Steve Denney

"Maxner, Steve" <>

date Feb 24, 2007 7:24 AM

subject RE: [Vsg] biographical information for current/recent leadership

Thanks to Steve Denney for sharing information about the Pike Biography

files in the Vietnam Archive at Texas Tech. Currently, there are more

than 13,000 documents from this part of the Pike Collection online.

They are accessible through the Virtual Vietnam Archive:

You can enter the name of the person as a keyword and then enter the

words "Pike" and "biography" in the Title Collection query field (minus

quotes). Of course, you can just search for the person's name as a

keyword and it will search all of the more than 2.6 million

pages/375,000 records currently in our digital access system.

Please let me know if you have any questions about accessing these

materials or if you have difficulty finding information on a particular


Best regards,


Thomas Jandl <>

date Feb 24, 2007 7:34 AM

subject RE: [Vsg] biographical information for current/recent leadership

One question already:

I am working on inter-provincial competition and wondered if the bios extend to regional leaders in Vietnam.


"Maxner, Steve" <>

date Feb 24, 2007 8:07 AM

subject RE: [Vsg] biographical information for current/recent leadership


There are files down to the Province and local leaders but the level of detail fluctuates. The files for officials and individuals active during the war is much greater than for those who have come to power since, for the obvious reasons.

The easiest way to find out is to conduct searches in the Virtual Archive using the names of the officials.


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