Minutes of the VSG Meeting 2007

VSG annual meeting

From: Michele Thompson 

To: VietnamStudies Group 

Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 2:08 PM

Subject: [Vsg] VSG annual meeting

Dear VSGers, 

I would like to announce the time and place of the VSG Annual Meeting 

to be held at the Association for Asian Studies conference in Boston. 

The VSg meeting will be held from 7-9 PM Friday March 23, 2007 in the 

Vineyard Room. We hope that all VSG subscribers who are in Boston will 

attend this meeting. Also, if anyone has something specific they 

would like put on the agenda for this meeting please feel free to contact 

me with your suggestion.




Michele Thompson

Dept. of History

Southern Connecticut State University

Minutes of VSG meeting at AAS

From: Michele Thompson 

To: VietnamStudies Group 

Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 12:04 PM

Subject: [Vsg] Minutes of VSG meeting at AAS

Dear Subscribers to the Vietnam Studies Group Listserve, 

Here are the minutes of our general meeting held in Boston at AAS. These have been approved by the Ex Comm and are posted here for those of you who are interested. Those of you who read them will note that the very last name on the list of those attending was so unclear that our secretary, Ed Miller, could not decipher it. If anyone knows the name of this person who attended our meeting please let me know and I will add this name to the minutes.

The minutes will be followed in a few days with a report from our new treasurer, David Biggs. We will also be putting out guidelines for the graduate student prize that VSG has just established and a call for panel proposals for VSG sponsorship at AAS 2008 within a couple of weeks.



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