Mid March 1939 threat of Japanese military?

From: Christina Firpo <christina.firpo@gmail.com>

Date: May 8, 2006 2:39 PM

Subject: [Vsg] Mid March 1939 threat of Japanese military?

Dear list,

Does anyone--especially military historians--know of a *specific* threat of bombing or invasion of Tonkin around 18 March 1939? Could someone point me in the direction of a military history?

Thanks in advance!



From: David Marr <phanmarr@yahoo.com>

Date: May 8, 2006 7:25 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Mid March 1939 threat of Japanese military?

From memory, the Japanese seized Hainan island in January, 1939. Tokyo had already made clear its displeasure at the Haiphong-Kunming railway being used to transport military supplies to the Nationalist Army, so it wouldn't surprise me if the French worried about an imminent attack. The crunch did not come until September 1940.

David Marr

From: Judith Stowe <judy@stowe43.fsnet.co.uk>

Date: May 10, 2006 7:04 AM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Mid March 1939 threat of Japanese military?

Hi, to add to David Marr's recollections the French in Indo-China were so worried about Japanese intentions in 1939 that they sent a delegation to Singapore in June to consult with the British. The official record of this conference can be found in F7285/2742/40 at the PRO/NA in Kew. Decoux also has a lot to say about this period in 'A la Barre de L'Indochine'.

Judy Stowe