Korean Agent Orange Judgement

From: Joe Hannah <jhannah@u.washington.edu>

Date: Apr 7, 2006 9:55 AM

Subject: [Vsg] Korean Agent Orange Judgement

This Reuters article about an Agent Orange meeting in Hanoi, found at:



included the sentence below, which surprised me:

"In January, a South Korean appeals court ordered Dow Chemical Co and

Monsanto Co. to pay $65 million in damages to 20,000 of the country's

Vietnam War veterans for exposure to defoliants such as Agent Orange."

I am passing it on in case you, like me, didn't hear about this judgement.


From: Charles Waugh <cwaugh@cc.usu.edu>

Date: Apr 7, 2006 10:46 AM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Korean Agent Orange Judgement

I heard about the ruling in January from the UNDP's Environmental Toxins

discussion list, but what I haven't heard is whether the chemical

companies have paid, or just what exactly $3,250 per person is going to

do to help the exposed in the event of long term disability. In many

ways, the ruling seems more like a symbolic act.


From: Diane Fox (dnfox) <dnfox@hamilton.edu>

Date: Apr 7, 2006 11:57 AM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Korean Agent Orange Judgement/UNHC Human Rights

No, the companies haven't paid--but it is a remarkable first step, a

departure from things as they have been.

In addition, the president of the International Association of

Democratic Lawyers said in Hanoi that member nations of the

association had agreed to send the Vietnamese case against US chemical

companies (currently in appeals in NYC) to the UN High Commission on

Human Rights.

The appeal in NYC should be heard shortly...any time after April 10th,

but no date has yet been set. If there is interest, I'll send the date

as soon as I know it.


From: Susan Hammond <frdev@mindspring.com>

Date: Apr 7, 2006 12:05 PM

Subject: RE: [Vsg] Korean Agent Orange Judgement/UNHC Human Rights

The hearing will not be before May 15th at this point. All of the court

documents for the Vietnamese lawsuit are on our website


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