Literature on Vietnamese Boat People in Europe

From: "Hoang t. Dieu-Hien" <>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Literature on Vietnamese boat people in Europe

Date: January 10, 2017 at 12:17:39 AM PST

To: "Thompson, C. M." <>

Cc: Vietnam Studies Group <>

I also ran across an article on the health of documented and undocumented Vietnamese in the Czech Republic (definitely not boat people), but cannot find the reference now.

Michele, and anyone else, does that ring a bell for you?

On Sat, Jan 7, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Thompson, C. M. <> wrote:

Dear Everyone,

For a medical, specifically psychiatric, look at late twentieth and early twenty-first century Vietnamese in the UK please see, Cam Xuan Nguyen, Jack Shieh, and Hoang Uy Trong "Cultural Influences on the Presentation and Treatment of Psychological Distress, including the use of Traditional Vietnamese Medicine amongst the Vietnamese in the United Kingdom" in Laurence Monnais, C. Michele Thompson, and Ayo Wahlberg eds. Southern Medicine for Southern People: Vietnamese Medicine in the Making, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2012.



Michele Thompson

Professor of Southeast Asian History

Dept. of History

Southern Connecticut State Univ.

On Jan 7, 2017, at 9:16 AM, Cuong Pham wrote:

Hi list,

As promised:

“Second generation” refugees and multilingualism: identity, race and language transmission

There's also going to be one on education and racism in the near future.

Sent from Outlook

From: Vsg <> on behalf of Cuong Pham <>

Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2017 1:19 PM

To: Joe Buckley;

Cc: Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Literature on Vietnamese boat people in Europe

Hey Joe,

I was gonna send these privately but thought I should share with the list as well.

Anchored in London: A short documentary about the Vietnamese in Lambeth (There's also a book, but they pretty much cover the same things) Here's a link to the website

They call us Viet Kieu -

A while back I was interviewed as part of a research project on adult 2nd generation refugees across Europe, from what I remember it involved Vietnamese, Kurdish and Tamil communities. I've just popped an email to the person that conducted some of the interviews and will get back to you.

There's also a documentary called 'Which way to Hong Kong' by Yvonne Deutschman, it was screened in Feb last year, I've not seen it yet, and not been able to get hold of a copy unfortunately. If anybody can, please let me know I would like to see it.

All the best


MA Southeast Asian Studies, SOAS

From: Vsg <> on behalf of Shawn McHale <>

Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2017 12:55 PM

To: Joe Buckley

Cc: Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Literature on Vietnamese boat people in Europe

One place to start -- the sociologist Grazyna Szymanska-Matusiewicz's work on Vietnamese in Poland, available

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 7:05 AM, Joe Buckley <>wrote:

Dear List,

A friend and colleague is looking for literature on the 2nd or 3rd generation of Vietnamese "boat people" in Europe (and interactions with other groups of Vietnamese in Europe). Can anyone suggest any literature on this? She already has Annabelle Wilkins' recent PhD on the Vietnamese community in East London.


Joe Buckley

PhD Candidate / Nghiên Cứu Sinh

Department of Development Studies / Khoa Phát Triển Học

SOAS, University of London / Trường SOAS, Đại Học London