VSG Discussion 2004

Contact Judith Henchy to Access Discussions Listed Below

  • A Web-based Database of CIA Declassified Documents on the Vietnam

  • Agent Orange: Discussion and Lawsuit Website

  • African and Vietnamese Writers in Early 20th Century Paris

  • Any New (ish) Research on The DRV?

  • Art Schools in Vietnam under the French Colonization

  • Bang Thuong Conference

  • Bird Festival in Viet Nam

  • Bobillot, Sergent de Genie Mort au Tonkin

  • Chinese Loanwords in Vietnamese

  • Chu Nghia Thanh Tich

  • Citadel Open in Hanoi

  • Colonial Bibliography

  • Colonial Census Data for Nghe-Tinh

  • Constitution of the Rebublic of Vietnam

  • Death Tolls, First Indochina War and Vietnamese Occupation of Cambodia

  • Di Cu+, Ty Nan, and Statistics

  • Duiker's Biography of Ho Chi Minh

  • Ex-Vietnamese Soldiers "Repatriated" to France ?

  • Far Eastern Economic Review Dies in Current Form

  • Georges Boudarel

  • High Schools with Good English Instruction

  • Indians in Indochina

  • Inquiry about PTSD in Vietnam

  • Ly Tombs

  • Mapping Vietnamese Government Structure

  • Motherhood/Children

  • Muslim community in Hanoi

  • Myrdal and 'Doi Moi'

  • Need for Lending/Selling Vietnam Film Collection

  • New Ho Book: Is the American War a Descriptor Non Grata?

  • New York Times Article on Outsourcing to VN

  • Nguyen Van Mu`i: Viet su 1788-1884

  • Old Viet Films

  • Old Vietnamese Saying

  • Peace Concert Cancellation

  • Phan Boi Can

  • Query on highlands during the Second Indochina War, 1959-75

  • Re-education Camp Justification in Print?

  • Religious Freedom Policy

  • Restoration Films about Vietnam

  • Route 13 - Rubber

  • Social History of South Asians/Muslims in VN

  • Seeking Reference Help Re Sentimentality

  • Sino-US-Vietnam Relation from 1973

  • Smoking Studies

  • Source for Nguyen Huy Thiep v. Hoi Nha Van Controversy

  • Souces of Vietnamese Tradition

  • South Vietnamese Trade Unionism

  • Standard Textbooks/Texts Used

  • Talawas Still Firewalled

  • Tay Nguyen Events and News on Press

  • Technical Assistance in Vietnam

  • Tet Expenditures in Vietnam

  • Thank You

  • Translation: "ddu*a can^` ca^u thay vi` cho xa^u ca',"

  • Trinh Cong Son Website

  • Two Questions re Aix-en-Provence Archives

  • Village Leaders and Can Bos

  • Vietnam - China Land Border Agreement

  • Vietnamese Beliefs: Dot Via

  • Vietnamese Diaspora in Japan

  • Vietnam Exhibit, Oakland: A Consultant's View

  • Vietnam's Younger Generation - Part I: Opinions about Their Lives

  • Vietnam's Younger Generation - Part II: Marriage Market

  • Viet War Remains

  • What is a Village?

  • When Faced with a Choice

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