Nguyễn Cao Kỳ interviewed

From: Tuan Hoang <>

Date: Feb 22, 2006 9:14 AM

Subject: [Vsg] Nguyen Cao Ky Interviewed

Dear all,

Not yet over, this February already looks to be an interesting month for

Vietnamese in the old and new countries. In HCMC, increased wages started for

many workers after a series of wildcat strikes. In Austin, Hubert Vo won the

election challenge from the incumbent - a razor-thin victory of 16 votes! - to

become the first Vietnam-born member of the Texas Legislature. Connecting the

twain is Nguyen Cao Ky, back to southern California (for a visit?) after two

years in Vietnam. He gave a fairly long interview to a Vietnamese-language

weekly in Orange County, and I just thought some List members may be interested

in reading it.


Tuan Hoang

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Nguyen Cao Ky Interviewed

Oops, self-corrections! Hubert Vo won the election last February (2005), and

the pay raise had been scheduled for the start of this month but, as of late

January, looked to be delayed until April. My apologies!

The month might not be as interesting as I'd thought, but the Ky interview did

take place in it.