American Propagandizing in South Vietnam

From: Vsg [] On Behalf Of Lara Manbeck

Sent: Sunday, January 7, 2018 6:31 PM


Subject: [Vsg] Recs on American Propagandizing in South Vietnam?

Dear VSG colleagues,

I am wondering if any of you have any knowledge of books/interviews/primary sources/etc. on the United States' propagandizing efforts in Vietnam during the Diem regime. I am specifically looking to see if the US actively worked with South Vietnam to create and strengthen a South Vietnamese national identity through commemorative naming/monument building, promoting American ideals. or by creating Vietnamese books/media on "South Vietnamese history."

Anything related to this would be great. Thanks for your suggestions.


Lara Manbeck

New York University

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 3:05 PM, Joe Hannah <> wrote:

Hi Lara,

1. My wife grew up in Saigon in the 60s and 70s. She says that all schoolwork – history, geography, etc. – spoke only about a single Vietnam – never about “South Vietnam.” That anecdotal information plus my own research seemed to point to the idea that nation-building and propaganda in the south was focused on the “Republic of Vietnam” as the legitimate government of the entire country, not a legitimate “South Vietnamese” state. The exceptions to this seemed to revolve around RVN government and military contact with their US counterparts, wherein you frequently saw maps showing only the southern portion of the country, etc. In contrast, school maps and atlases (as far as I have found so far) always showed the entire country.

2. As a coin/money collector, I have a special place in my heart for the counterfeit DRVN bills printed by the US and dropped on the north. These bills had propaganda messages attached that could be cut off so the bills themselves could be spent and thereby undermine the northern economy. A different kind of propaganda than you are looking for, I know, but I find it interesting.


Joe Hannah

University of Washington

From: Vsg [] On Behalf Of Tuan Hoang

Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 8:49 PM

To: Joe Hannah <>


Subject: Re: [Vsg] Recs on American Propagandizing in South Vietnam?


The following dissertation may be helpful.

Justin Simundson, "Propaganda Images and Manufacturing Consent in 'Free' Vietnam, 1950-1963" (Texas Tech University, 2017).

Tuan Hoang

Pepperdine University