EUROSEAS Papers on Vietnam

Euroseas Panels on Vietnam

From Mon Nov 26 17:12:55 2001

Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 13:34:06 +0200

From: "Irene [iso-8859-1] Nørlund" <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Euroseas web

Dear VSG,

Below I have enclosed the website for Aseasuk and Euroseas. Aseasuk is the Southeast Asia Association in UK, Euroseas is the European Southeast Asia Association - NOT British! There is also a Nordic Association for Southeat Asian Studies, and other association in some other countries like France. Each country/region has 2 representatives in the board. I am sorry to lean that so little was informed in US about the 3rd Euroseas conference in London. It is hold every 3 years, the first in Leiden the second in Aix-en-Province. This time the conference seems to be well established with 28 panels, and about 300-50 participants. The panels are organised decentralised, and most of the information has been circulated widely on the net (at least in Europe) and through the IIAS's voluminous newletter which you can get for free. However, you have to go to the panel organisors to get hold of many of the papers, I am afraid.

Members of Euroseas also receive a newsletter with information from European Institutes. I think a point of importance is raised that the websites are still not up to date!


Irene Norlund

Information from Euroseas (also available on the Aseasuk website:

and the Euroseas:


Irene Norlund

Associate Professor

International Development Studies

Roskilde University

P.O.Box 260, house 7.2

DK 4000 Roskilde


From Mon Nov 26 17:13:19 2001

Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 13:42:17 +0000

From: Tobias Rettig <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Further EUROSEAS papers concerning Vietnam

Dear VSG members,

this is the last email in this trilogy, this time regarding the great number of further interesting papers on Vietnam presented in other EUROSEAS panels. I have compiled a list of them, even though I am not entirely sure whether all the papers announced were actually presented. Furthermore, I have included only on those explicitly focusing on Vietnam (thus omitting those on Laos and Cambodia and those dealing with Southeast Asia in general). (The entire list of papers can be downloaded from the EUROSEAS website by clicking on the very hidden "conference" icon on its front page.) Institutional affiliation and title are indicated where indicated in the official EUROSEAS conference prospectus:

Catherine Scornet (University of Paris V), Fertility and politics in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

Vadim Atnash (University of St Petersburg), Islam and Cham Bani in Vietnam: two separate religions

Sandra Poncet (University of Auvergne, France), China's economic integration in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Tun Myint (Indiana University, USA), In search of global governance: comparing the cases of the Mekong River Commission and the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine

Jean François Le Coq & Guy Trébuil, History of rice production in the Mekong Delta (1900-2000)

Prof William Gervase Clarence-Smith (SOAS), The raising of equids (horses, donkeys & mules) in mainland Southeast Asia, 16th to 20th centuries

Mark Johnson, Selling the past, buying the future: Vietnamese tourist experiences of Hue, Vietnam

Dr Chris Sneddon (Dartmouth College), Sustainable river basins? Linking social resilience and ecological integrity at multiple geographical scales in the Lower Mekong Basin

Cecilia Luttrell (University of East Anglia), Institutional failure, resistance and the emergence of new institutions in coastal Vietnam: implications for livelihood resilience

Dr Thomas Sikor (Humboldt University, Berlin), Black Thai responses to

territorialization and market expansion in northern Vietnam

Le Van Hue (Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands), Community-based mangrove forest management in Giao Lac Commune, Giao Thuy District, Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam

Dr Phan Thi Anh Dao (Hydro-Meteorological Service, Hanoi), Forestry policies and socio-economic issues: a case study in the rehabilitation, protection and uses of mangrove ecosystem in Can Gio District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Alexandra Winkels (University of East Anglia), Sustainable livelihoods and migration in Vietnam: the role of social capital

Nguyen Do Anh Tuan (Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands), Land use and agricultural commercialisation, the case of Nam Dinh Province (Vietnam)

Dave Boselie (Agro-Economic Institute, The Hague), Foreign investments and levels of local livelihood in Viet-nam

Dr Sud Chonchirdsin (Chulalongkorn University), The political economy of the

Vietnamese landlord-bourgeoisie in the pre-World War II period

Prof Hugues Tertrais (University of Paris I), The failure of industrialization policies in Vietnam in the decolonization and war context (1930s-1960s)

Dr Jean-Pascal Bassino (Paul Valery University, France), How poor was Vietnam in the pre-high-speed growth Asian context? A comparison of real Wages and GDP estimates, 1910-1970

Dr Sophie Quinn-Judge (LSE, )Rethinking the history of the Vietnamese Communist Party

Martin Gainsborough, The centre strikes back: big corruption cases and the politics of economic decentralisation in Vietnam

Claudia Zingerli, Local-state relations in Vietnam's northern mountain periphery

Jonathan D London, Fiscal crisis, state capacity and social development: education, health and statecraft in Vietnam, 1986-2000

Gerard Clarke, The social challenges of reform: restructuring state-owned enterprises in Vietnam

Doan Hue Dung (Center for Foreign Studies, University of Agriculture and Forestry, TPHCM), Centralism: the dilemma of educational reform in Vietnam

Irene Norlund, Labour market and trade unions in Vietnam

Nick Freeman. The rise and fall of foreign investment in Vietnam in the 1990s

Curt Nestor. The fuzzy concept of foreign direct investment - the case of Vietnam

Dr Marie-Eve Blanc (ANRS, IRSEA/CNRS, Maison Asie-Pacifique, Université de Provence, Marseille) An emerging civil society? Vietnamese NGOs preventing

HIV/AIDS epidemic

Martha Morrow, Smoking and young women in Ho Chi Minh City: the influence of normative gender roles

Phuong An Nguyen, A portrait of Vietnamese youth as seen from their job selection

Nguyen Do Anh Tuan (Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands), Agricultural surplus and industrialization in Vietnam

Pietro P. Masina, "Sustainable livelihoods" and poverty reduction in Vietnam: exploring new paths

Tran Thi Thu Trang, Diversifying diversification: the role of agricultural information for economic strategies in the Vietnamese rural transition

Minh Tuan, Rethinking the conduct of Vietnam's open foreign policy: achievements and constraints

Joern Dosch, Vietnam's role in ASEAN

Nguyen Thi My, Vietnam and ASEAN's lessons of development

Stein Tønnesson (International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), Sino-Vietnamese relations and the South China Sea

From Mon Nov 26 17:14:01 2001

Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:39:41 +0200

From: Martin Grossheim <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Announcement Euroviet V in St. Petersburg/Russia

Dear List,

I forward the "Call for Papers" for the announcement for EUROVIET V (Fifth European Vietnam Studies Conference). This time Euroviet will be hosted by our Russian colleagues.


Martin Grossheim

Humboldt University

Berlin=Tay Bac-Do


----- Original Message ----- From: Vladimir Kolotov

To: Martin Grossheim ; Martin Grossheim

Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 3:07 PM

Subject: [Fwd: Call for Papers: The V Euroviet Conference (May 28-30, 2002, St.Petersburg)]

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Call for Papers: The V Euroviet Conference (May 28-30, 2002, St.Petersburg)

Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 17:10:28 +0400

From: Vladimir Kolotov <>

Organization: Faculty of Oriental and African Studies

Call for Papers

Euroviet V, Bi-Annual Conference May 28-30, 2002, St. Petersburg

Modern Vietnam: Transitional Identities

Conference theme is "Modern Vietnam: Transitional Identities".

The V Euroviet Conference will be held in St. Petersburg from Tuesday 28

May through Thursday 30 May, 2002.

The organizers of the V Be-annual Euroviet Conference invite the submission of papers that examine the role of Transitional Identities in Modern Vietnam. In order to reflect the interdisciplinary character of EUROVIET we wish to organize panels and discussions around four main topics: Transitional Identities, International Relations, Russian (Soviet)-Vietnamese Relations, Language and Literature. The panels are multidisciplinary and cover the main fields in Vietnamese Studies. Papers emphasizing contemporary developments as well as treating historical aspects will be especially welcome.

Prospective participants are requested to submit clear abstracts of no more than 500 words describing the topic, key arguments, types of materials drawn on, and organization of the paper.

The Conference organizers will publish a book of abstracts.

Abstracts must be sent directly to convenor.

The deadline for submission of abstracts and papers is 28 February 2002.

Send abstracts and papers (as attached file) to: Dr. Vladimir Kolotov .

Participants are required to fill in registration form on-line at: .

Papers are only distributed among the members of the panel where the paper will be read. The organizers are committed to upholding the highest academic standards with emphasis on the exchange of ideas and dialogues among thinkers drawn from a wide range Vietnam's transitional identities.

Preliminary list of panels:

Transitional identities

1. Political identities

2. Economical identities

3. Religious identities

4. Historical identities

5. Cultural identities

International relations

6. Regional cooperation: experience and perspectives

7. Vietnam in the modern world economy

8. International relations in transition

9. Vietnam in globalizing and changing world

Russian (Soviet)-Vietnamese relations

10. Russian (Soviet)-Vietnamese relations

11. Perestroika and Doi Moi: comparative analysis

Language and Literature

12. Language and Literature

Comments and suggestions are always welcome.


The registration fee for the conference is $100. (Scholars from Vietnam $50).

Conference fees covers the cost of invitation and registration, conference materials, book of abstracts and coffee breaks.

Method of Payment:

Payment for registration fees should be made in the form of Banktransfer; please state the following number and the name of the bank with your payment:

Correspondent bank: BANK OF NEW YORK




ACCOUNT: 890-0260-963




Number of transit account in INKASBANK: 40703840000029000011

N.B. Always mention the purpose of your payment, which is: Registration Fee


The information concerning accommodation will be provided later. Please check ours web site.

For more information see .


Dr. Vladimir N. Kolotov, Associate Professor

Faculty of Oriental and African Studies

St.Petersburg State University
