Sascha Wölck: Komplexe Körper: Con lai My. Identitätsverhandlungen, Fremdbi

[Vsg] Brand New Book from Sascha Wölck!


Wynn Gadkar-Wilcox <>

Feb 3, 2016, 10:25 AM


Dear Colleagues:

It's my pleasure to announce a brand new book from Sascha Wölck.  It is based on his dissertation, which was completed at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Konstanze Jungbluth and Prof. Dr. Werner Schiffauer.

Sascha Wölck: Komplexe Körper: Con lai My. Identitätsverhandlungen, Fremdbilder und gesellschaftliche Positionierungen von Besatzungskindern in Vietnam  Berlin 2016.   [The Complex Body: Con lai my: Identity negotiations, foreign images and social positioning of children of servicemen in Vietnam]


One aspect of the Vietnam War which so far has attracted little attention in area studies and human sciences is that during the years of warfare, tens of thousands of con lai Mỹ children of American soldiers and Vietnamese mothers were born. The end of the Republic of Vietnam and the subsequent withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam marked a profound change in the life of the majority of con lai Mỹ. After the reunification, they were increasingly associated with a specific breach of racist norms and labelled as offspring of absent fathers.

The marginal interest in their biographies and experiences is inexplicable, not only because they simply were so many, but also because they were significant witnesses to the Vietnam War and the post-war era, as well as observers and part of the construction of a national identity and of changing/changeless social norms in Vietnam. 

Stuart Hall argues that there is no racism that can be understood as a universal characteristic of human societies, but rather that there are only specific forms of racism. Following his notion, I connect the discrimination that con lai Mỹ faced to social dynamics in post war Vietnam until the present day. Their experiences of discrimination can give perspectives on political and social conditions in Vietnam, which have changed tremendously since the end of the war in 1975.

In this dissertation, I identify processes that led to the representation of con lai Mỹ as deviants from society and examine specific forms of discrimination. In doing so, I investigate the further implications these constructions and attributions have had and still have on the social reality of many con lai Mỹ by conducting qualitative semi-structured interviews. So far, I have found three social environments particularly interesting: publicity, family and state. Each of these environments reacted specifically to their presence.

This dissertation is based on two residencies in Vietnam between 2012 and 2014, during which I conducted interviews in Đà Nẵng and Hồ-Chí-Minh-City. My basic questions are: What forms of discrimination did con lai Mỹ experience in different social situations in Vietnam? Is there a relationship between these experiences and broader social conditions in Vietnam? And if so, how is this relation structured? What are its characteristic features? How can one describe their daily life and position in society today?

Here is more about Sascha, from the publisher:

Sascha Wölck is a cultural theorist and regional scientist with a focus on Southeast Asia. He is the author of a variety of scientific papers and journalistic publications concerning modern Vietnamese society.

The dissertation can be found at:

Congratulations to Sascha!



Wynn Gadkar-Wilcox

Professor of History and Non-Western Cultures

Western Connecticut State University

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Danbury, CT 06810

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Guillemot Francois <>

Feb 3, 2016, 12:25 PM

to Wynn, vsg

Dear Wynn Gadkar-Wilcox, thank you for this information.

This is a very interesting topic. An aspect of the Vietnam War which has attracted too little attention from scholars as the author argue.

Congratulations to Sascha Wölck. The information is relayed on my academic blog :



François Guillemot

Historien, Ingénieur de Recherche au CNRS


Institut d'Asie Orientale
ENS de Lyon, 15 parvis René Descartes
BP 7000 - 69342 Lyon Cedex 07 - France

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