Minutes 2017
Vietnam Studies Group Annual Meeting Minutes, March 18, 2017
Sheraton Center, Toronto
(taken by Ex Comm member C. Schwenkel)
1. The Chair convened the meeting at 7:30pm
2. Self-introductions were made by the Chair and Executive Committee Members, followed by VSG attendees.
3. The minutes for 2016 were approved unanimously.
4. SEAC meeting reports
a. Judith Henchy reported on the translation project. This could be the last year of funding from Luce, though there is the possibility to reapply for funding. Judith reported that Luce awards approximately $8,000 per year to translate texts from a Southeast Asian language to English. Last round there were five proposals to translate Vietnamese texts. Luce prioritizes texts that can be used in undergraduate classrooms.
b. Judith Henchy reported that the Southeast Asia Materials Project (SEAM) of the Center for Research Libraries is considering projects to digitize private archives and asked VSG members to contact her if they have any materials. There are funds for preserving materials and for small digital projects, especially if the collections are endangered.
c. Cormosea (Committee on Research Materials on Southeast Asia) is considering a new film archiving and translation initiative for Thai films. The University of Hawaii already has a project working with Vietnamese films. Subtitled versions of films acquired from the Vietnamese Film Archives are being made available for teaching purposes. CORMOSEA would like to extend this project to other countries of the region, if funds can be secured.
d. Updates from AAS
i. Trump’s implication for Asian Studies
1. Travel ban—contact AAS if you are affected (AAS leadership would like to collect information)
2. Threats to NEH and NEA funding could also affect AAS (?)(
3. Paper prize for SEAC (due March 19, 2017); paper presented at AAS by a graduate student
e. VSG was awarded $1,000 from SEAC, which means VSG can resume travel grants. It was suggested that if there are two good student papers, then two prizes could be awarded. The call for student go out in September and members were encouraged to submit papers or communicate the call to their graduate students.
5. Announcement of election and call for nominations for Executive Committee Members –members must be able to attend the annual AAS meetings. It was also suggested that one role might be reserved for a Vietnamese member who might not be able to attend.
6. Treasurer’s report (prepared by David Biggs, presented by Christina Firpo)
f. For the 2016-17 AAS Year (2016 to 2017 Annual Meetings), VSG raised approximately $1,700 and spent approximately $2800. It’s standing account balance diminished from $4,517.03 to $3,443.33 as of the 2017 Annual Meeting. Of the funds raised, $500 came from the Southeast Asia Council and $1200 came from 41 persons who contributed proposed “dues” and extra funds to support the paper prize and travel fellowships.
g. In 2016-17, VSG paid out $1200 for three travel grants and $500 for the paper prize winner who did not attend the meeting. VSG paid UW Libraries $860 for maintenance of the listserv archive and website.
h. In 2017, VSG will pay out $515 for the paper prize.
i. This leaves our standing balance at roughly $2,900.
7. Judith Henchy reported on the VSG Listserv and website, and encouraged members to send their publications for the ZOTERO database; she is downloading and circulating the bibliography every two weeks.
There was discussion of changing the website to a different format, but Judith cautioned that it would be a lot of work.
8. Report on Vietnam-related conferences this past year by Sean Fear
-- 8th Engaging with Vietnam was held in October in Hawaii Manoa (emphasis on interdisciplinary panels)
-- National Building and Republicanism workshop was held in Berkeley which focused on civic life in the RVN
-- At the Denver historical association conference there was one panel related to Vietnam
-- Vietnam 1967: Search for Peace to be held at Texas Tech in April
-- Vietnam - Korean conference to be held in March in Hanoi
-- History of the Book workshop on Chinese and Nom materials was held at Harvard
-- VN studies conference in Hanoi in December
-- John Phan held a Buddhist literacy workshop this past year
--Last December in Hanoi there were two international conferences: anthropology conference at USSH and the Vietnam Studies Conference at the Convention Center
9. Report on JVS (Christina Schwenkel)
The annual board meeting took place Friday morning; new volume for 2017 released; submissions encouraged
10. AAS 2018, Washington DC (Christina Firpo)
The call for panel proposals for VSG sponsorship will go out soon. The VSG deadline will be July 1 (on account of the AAS deadline of August 1)
11. New business, old business, discussion
j. As mentioned, VSG received $1,000 from SEAC
k. VSG voted to continue the subsidy from VSG to maintain the website and listserv
$1,000 was suggested. Michelle called the motion; Christina S seconded the motions; all voted in favor of the motion with no one opposed.
Support for Graduate Student Prize. $300 suggested from voluntary member contributions; the motion was proposed and approved, with no one opposed.
$4 grants for $1600 suggested from VSG budget for student funding; the motion was proposed and approved, with no one opposed.
l. Call for dues (Michele)
12. Announcements and news
Winner of the VSG graduate student paper prize: Katie Dyt, "Weathering the Realm: The Nguyễn Postal Route and the Transmission of Weather Information, 1802-1886"
Other news from members: BOOKS
Ben Tran
Brad Davis
Thuy Linh
Awards: Kimberley Hoang: Benda award
13. The Chair called the meeting to a close at 8:30pm