Tư Quất

From: Eric Henry <henryhme@bellsouth.net>

Date: 2008/6/23

To: Vietnam Studies Group <vsg@u.washington.edu>

Dear colleagues,

In response to a publisher's demand, I'm currently engaged in producing a set of footnotes for my translation (completed) of Phạm Duy's four-volume *Memoirs* (Hồi Ký). The idea is to provide explanations concerning personages, places, or terms that might not mean anything to a non-Vietnamese speaker.

I find in general that I'm able to use the online "Bách Khoa Toàn Thư," Dan Duffy's "Wickivietlit," Phạm Duy himself, or other sources to get information that I can't supply on my own; but sometimes I run into tough cases.

So I fear I'll have to inundate the group with queries for a while -- at least until I learn of more sources or people to consult. Either on-line or off-line responses would be most welcome.

So -- query no. 1 concerns Tư Quất (stage name), a singer, radio personality, and expert in "chầu vân" who flourished (I think) in the 50s. Phạm Duy tells me he was a northerner and had absolutely the best voice of his generation (in fact PD said, "of all time") -- but he wasn't able to tell me what Tư Quất's real name was.

Aside from his real name, it would be nice if I could discover his approximate dates, his place of origin, and a few concrete details concerning his education and professional activities.

I would also of course appreciate any advice people might be able to give me concerning places to look, or people to consult, to get information of this sort.

Thanks and best wishes,

Eric Henry


From: Lonán Ó Briain <lonanobriain@hotmail.com>

Date: 2008/6/23

To: Vietnam Studies Group <vsg@u.washington.edu>

Dear Eric and VSG,

Apologies for sending this to the whole group but I'm just responding as per Diane's request.

Barley Norton, Senior Lecturer in Ethnomusicology at the University of London (b.norton@gold.ac.uk) is the one to get in touch with regarding chầu vân. He has written extensively on the subject and even has a book coming out on it: Songs for the Spirits: Music and Mediums in Modern Vietnam. Urbana and

Chicago: Illinois University Press.

Let me know if you need any further help on this.

Best wishes,

Lonan O Briain


From: Hue-Tam Ho Tai <hhtai@fas.harvard.edu>

Date: Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 8:56 AM

Subject: [Vsg] Tu Quat

To: "vsg >> Vietnam Studies Group" <vsg@u.washington.edu>


Did you think of asking Tran van Khe? Although he is 88, he has absolute recall. He might know. He now lives in HCMC. My sister has his phone number if you want to get in touch with him.

Hue-Tam Ho Tai


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