Chu Han versions of poems?

From: George Dutton <>

Date: Jun 14, 2006 3:22 PM

Subject: [Vsg] Chu Han versions of poems?

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know where I can find Chu Han versions of the following

two poems? The first was written to praise the Tay Son regime, while

the other written to attack it in direct response.

Nguyen Huy Luong, "Tung Tay Ho Phu" [Phu in Praise of West Lake]

Pham Thai, "Chien Tung Tay Ho Phu" [Attacking the Phu in Praise of

West Lake]

I have seen only bits of them in Chinese characters, and the entire

poems transliterated into quoc ngu. The Pham Thai is particularly

hard to find in any recent anthologies, because it attacks the Tay

Son. It is not contained in the Tong Hop Van Hoc Viet Nam (the big 42

volume set - which does include the Luong piece, but without the


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


From: George Dutton <>

Date: Jun 14, 2006 4:23 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Chu Han versions of poems?

Hi again,

At the risk of answering part of my own question, I've discovered

that my copy of _Van Tho Nom Thoi Tay Son_ (Nguyen Cam Thuy and

Nguyen Pham Hung, 1997) does in fact has the Nom (not Han as I

mistakenly posted) of the Nguyen Huy Luong poem. I would still

welcome leads on finding the original of the Pham Thai poem.
