Need helps on information about studies/publications on human resource for political teaching at training schools for governmental officials

Center for Environmental Studies ces.sisd at

Sat Jun 6 23:42:43 PDT 2015

Dear colleagues,

I am writing to ask if any of you have information about studies/publications on human resource for political teaching at training schools for governmental officials (including public administration).

Do any of you know any school named like the one in Vietnam - “Trường/học viện cán bộ”? It is difficult for me to translate the name into English. It would be great if some Vietnamese colleagues in this community could help. Is there any country having this kind of school, besides Vietnam, China, and Laos?

A colleague of mine is starting his doctoral dissertation on this topic and he hardly finds related publications. So if any of you have information or any related publications, please help to share.

Thank you so much and best regards.


Oscar Salemink o.salemink at

Sun Jun 7 09:34:57 PDT 2015

I know that that all Vietnamese ministries ran “trường bổi dưỡng cán bộ” in the past – around 2000 I used to work with that school run by the Ministry of Culture on a project. I think such schools still exist but they may be called differently now.

Oscar Salemink

Professor in the Anthropology of Asia

Department of Anthropology

Faculty of Social Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Øster Farimagsgade 5

1353 København K.


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E-mail: o.salemink at<mailto:o.salemink at>

Personal webpage at the Department of Anthropology<>

Personal webpage at the Asian Dynamics Initiative<>

Honorary Adjunct Professor at Australian Catholic University<,_institutes_and_centres/centres/iace/honorary_awards_and_titles/honorary_titles>

Personal webpage at<>

Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology<>

Routledge Handbook of Religions in Asia<>

Pierre Asselin, Ph.D passelin at

Sun Jun 7 17:13:22 PDT 2015

Dear Yim:

I would guess the school/s you're referring to are modeled after France's École nationale d'administration, and "translatable" as whatever name is given to the ENA in English.



Pierre Asselin

Professor of History

Hawai'i Pacific University

1188 Fort St., Suite MP 409

Honolulu, HI 96813

"Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them." Joseph Heller, Catch-22

Mark Sidel mark.sidel at

Sun Jun 7 18:13:12 PDT 2015

If memory serves, there are textbook series for truong can bo on common subjects (Party history; "state and law"; and others), with recent editions available at major bookstores and older editions at used bookstores.

It might be interesting to take certain key themes and look at the multiple generations and editions of those textbooks along those themes since the 1980s.

Mark Sidel

University of Wisconsin-Madison

John.Ruwitch at John.Ruwitch at

Sun Jun 7 18:32:39 PDT 2015

China has a vast network of training institutes for officials that runs from the central level down to lower levels of administration (I’ve seen them at the county level, even). The system includes “Party schools” (党校), “cadre training institutes” (干部学院) and other administrative schools. Time spent at party schools is critical for winning promotions. While Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought are, of course, widely taught, the curriculum at some of the schools includes more practical elements these days. The Pudong cadre school in Shanghai teaches (among other things) crisis management and media relations, for instance.

David Shambaugh, of George Washington University, wrote about the Chinese party school system in The China Quarterly in 2008:

John Ruwitch

Reuters News

+86 1891 850 3757

Haughton, Dominique DHAUGHTON at

Sun Jun 7 18:49:12 PDT 2015

Greetings to all, from my admittedly limited knowledge, the schools and training programs you are referring to are quite different from those of the ENA in France. I think the training referred to here is sometimes called “political training” in Vietnam. I believe you get invited to it if you are expected to go on to leadership positions. The ENA in France is accessible via a very selective competitive exam, with a notorious oral where you have to be able to discuss essentially any subject (whether you know anything about the subject or not). Preparation for this competitive exam (or attempt thereof) is typically provided in “SciencePo” schools in France, which themselves are accessible via selective processes. Very best to all, Dominique<>


Dominique Haughton

Professor of Mathematical Sciences and Global Studies

Bentley University


Center for Environmental Studies ces.sisd at

Fri Jul 10 20:56:45 PDT 2015

Dear colleagues,

Thank you all for the sharing. I shall gather the information you have shared and send to my friend. He is still looking for publications on the topic for his literature review, so if any of you know more about this, please help to share.

Thank you and best regards,



Nguyen Ngoc Diem

Center for Environmental Studies

Southern Institute of Social Sciences

Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences

57 Suong Nguyet Anh Street, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

From: Haughton, Dominique

Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 8:49 AM

To: 'Pierre Asselin, Ph.D' ; Center for Environmental Studies ; vsg at

Subject: RE: [Vsg] Need helps on information about studies/publications on human resource for political teaching at training schools for governmental officials

Greetings to all, from my admittedly limited knowledge, the schools and training programs you are referring to are quite different from those of the ENA in France. I think the training referred to here is sometimes called “political training” in Vietnam. I believe you get invited to it if you are expected to go on to leadership positions. The ENA in France is accessible via a very selective competitive exam, with a notorious oral where you have to be able to discuss essentially any subject (whether you know anything about the subject or not). Preparation for this competitive exam (or attempt thereof) is typically provided in “SciencePo” schools in France, which themselves are accessible via selective processes. Very best to all, Dominique

Dominique Haughton

Professor of Mathematical Sciences and Global Studies

Bentley University