Vietnam "Developmental State"

Development State in Vietnam

From Mon Nov 26 17:13:50 2001

Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 10:41:33 +0200

From: Pietro P. Masina <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Developmental state in Vietnam?

Dear list-members,

Does anybody know about recent studies on Vietnam with a 'developmental state' angle (as in Robert Wade, Alice Amsden, Linda Weiss, Peter Evans, etc.)?

I am looking at how the 'developmental state' model adopted by other countries such as South Korea and Taiwan is interpreted in the post regional crisis Vietnamese development strategies.

The kind of questions I am interested in (and on which I would appreciate any form of feedback) are the following:

1) Does the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) play a role in directing industrial strategies? That is, does the MPI promote specific industrial sectors due to their strategic importance? (Does the MPI play a role which could be compared with the Japanese MITI?).

2) What is the relation between MPI, the Office of the Prime minister, the Ministry of Industry and other government organisations in shaping strategic industrial policies?

3) Does strategic industrial policy matter in the process of SOEs reform? That is, there is any visible hint that the government protects specific enterprises on the basis of national industrial strategies (rather than for other considerations of political, social or other origin)?

4) Does the existing trade regime support strategic industrial policy or simply attempts to guarantee a generic protection for national infantry industry? And how this is meant to change with the implementation of AFTA and the Trade Agreement with the US?

5) Do loans from state owned banks to state owned enterprises reflect any kind of industrial policy (i.e., definition of strategic priorities)?


Pietro P. Masina


Assistant Professor

Dept of Social Sciences, House 22.1, Roskilde University

P.O.Box 260, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Tel. (+45) 46742507, Fax (+45) 46743083

Mobile tel. (+45) 20219929

From Mon Nov 26 17:17:27 2001

Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 09:25:15 -0400

From: Fund for Reconciliation and Development <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Re: Developmental state in Vietnam?

I am not aware of any recent "developmental state" studies on Vietnam. It may, however, be something that Jonathan Stromseth, who is the Asia Foundation rep in Vietnam, might be aware of.

MPI does certainly play a key role in the planning of what industries should be promoted in Vietnam, and works with the Ministry of Finance, OPM and Ministry of Industry on incentives and strategy. However, it is not completely parallel to MITI, as the ideological concerns over SOEs do not always jibe with strategic economic interests.

More specifics may be available from the Netherlands MBA program for Vietnamese which seems to be focusing on these types of issues, and has a good website, who's address, of course, I can't remember.

Good luck.

Tara McAuliff




Fund for Reconciliation and Development

475 Riverside Drive, Suite 821

New York, NY 10115

phone 212-870-2939

fax 212-870-2938

Indochina web site

Cuba web site

From Mon Nov 26 17:17:35 2001

Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 15:48:45 +0100

From: Oscar Salemink <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Re: Developmental state in Vietnam?

Oscar Salemink

Department of Cultural Anthropology & Sociology of Development

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

De Boelelaan 1081c

1081 HV Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Phone: (+31)(0)20-444 6712 / 6704

Fax: (+31)(0)20-444 6722


From Mon Nov 26 17:17:51 2001

Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 08:43:33 +0700

From: Vern Weitzel <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Re: Developmental state in Vietnam?

You might look at the documents from the formulation of the 10 year strategy for viet Nam, produced by MPI:

Also, the Viet Nam National Human Development Report is due to be published next Month.

cheers, Vern


Vern Weitzel (Mr.), Webmanager

<> or <>

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