Si Nông Công Thuong

From: Aliénor Anisensel <>

Reply-To: Vietnam Studies Group <>


Date: Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 4:14 AM

Dear members

Bonjour !

I am a student in ethnomusicology ; I am doing a thesis on "Ca trù", a traditional music of VN. (I made investigations in 3 places essentially : Hà Nôi, the village of Lô Khê (Dong Anh), Sai Gon.)

I will be very interested to discuss with you on these subjects :

-In the actual vietnamese society, what has become of the 4 classes "si, nong, cong,thuong" (the musicians and actors were the lower classes, "xuong ca vo loai"). Do you know a study of sociology on this subject ?

-An other subject which interests me for my thesis : prostitution under french colonization in the "ca quan" (singer houses) in Ha Noi essentially.

If you know some informations of these questions, thank you before !

Aliénor Anisensel



From: Tobias RETTIG <>

Reply-To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Date: Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 5:03 AM

Dear Alienor,

The following might be knowledgeable regarding some of the topics of your interest, though you may already have read their articles/book or been in touch with them. I am not sure whether they are members of the VSG.

Barley Norton:

Jason Gibbs:

Gisela Jaehnichen:

Best of luck et bon courage,


SMU, Singapore


From: Aliénor Anisensel <>

Reply-To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Date: Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 5:54 AM

Thank you Tobias. I know Barley and Gisa but I didn't know Jason Gibbs so thanks ! Aliénor


From: Lonán Ó Briain <>

Reply-To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Date: Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:55 AM

Dear Aliénor,

I am also a student in ethnomusicology (University of Sheffield) conducting research on the roles of traditional Vietnamese music in Hanoi. Unfortunately I don’t have any answers for your questions but I would be very interested in discussing both of our projects with you. Please feel free to email me ( with any questions.

Best wishes,

Lonán Ó Briain


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