Ta Chi Dai Truong, 1935/8?-2016

[Vsg] Ta Chi Dai Truong (1935/1938? - 2016)


Guillemot Francois <francois.guillemot@ens-lyon.fr>

Mar 24, 2016, 

For your information,

The great historian Ta Chi Dai Truong passed away in his house in Ho Chi Minh City:

Nhà sử học Tạ Chí Đại Trường qua đời (BBC Vietnamese)

Nhà sử học Tạ Chí Đại Trường qua đời (Tuoi Tre + Vietnam Net)

Nhà Sử Học Tạ Chí Đại Trường qua đời tại Sài Gòn:

See also our previous post on his works on Mémoires d'Indochine :

Sympathies to his family.



François Guillemot

Historien, Ingénieur de Recherche au CNRS


Institut d'Asie Orientale
ENS de Lyon, 15 parvis René Descartes
BP 7000 - 69342 Lyon Cedex 07 - France

Carnets de recherche & Ressources


Le 24/03/2016 13:01, Dien Nguyen a écrit :

Recent article by Prof Jonathan London fyi,

Nguyễn Điền

Independent Researcher


Posted on March 22, 2016

For Vietnam, an expansionist China has often posed an existential threat. However, while not new in the historical experience of the nation, the nature and scope of the present threat is indeed novel in the experiences of the world's living population of Vietnamese.

A certain lucidity has spread across Vietnam as its people are waking up to the fact that China, its eternal neighbor, is currently being governed by a neo-imperialist state bent on territorial expansion, a state that has shown open disregard for international norms, and a state that is attempting to annex great swathes of territory with an arrogance and self-righteousness that is nothing short of astonishing.



Vsg mailing list



Wynn Gadkar-Wilcox <WilcoxW@wcsu.edu>

Mar 24, 2016, 3:06 PM

to Guillemot, Vietnam

Dear List:

I am very sorry to hear of Ta Chi Dai Truong's passing, though I'm pleased that he lived a productive life for much longer than he expected. As a young graduate student, I was very taken, and I think quite influenced, by his book, Việt Nam thời Tây Sơn-Lịch sử nội chiến 1771-1802, by his work on Cham history and culture, and by his general approach to cultural history and historiography. He was a brilliant historian whose work would be even more prominent than it is had political and personal circumstances not delayed him from getting his work to an appreciative audience.

Last year, Ta Chi Dai Truong was kind enough to allow me to interview him and carry on numerous follow-up email conversations regarding his life and his views on historical method for a paper I presented on him, Truong Buu Lam, and Nguyen Phuong.  He even sent me copies of his quite interesting more recent work, which I hope will attract the wide audience it deserves.  I was amazed at his responsiveness, even as he was already ill.  He was vivacious, collegial, generous, and funny.  Though I did not know him well, I will always remember his extraordinary generosity.



Wynn Gadkar-Wilcox

Professor of History and Non-Western Cultures

Western Connecticut State University

181 White Street

Danbury, CT 06810

Phone (203) 837-8565

Fax: (203) 837-3968


From: Vsg [vsg-bounces@mailman11.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of Guillemot Francois [francois.guillemot@ens-lyon.fr]

Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 5:26 PM

To: Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: [Vsg] Ta Chi Dai Truong (1935/1938? - 2016)

For your information,

The great historian Ta Chi Dai Truong passed away in his house in Ho Chi Minh City:

Nhà sử học Tạ Chí Đại Trường qua đời (BBC Vietnamese)

 *   http://www.bbc.com/vietnamese/vietnam/2016/03/160324_historian_daitruong_dies

Nhà sử học Tạ Chí Đại Trường qua đời (Tuoi Tre + Vietnam Net)

 *   http://tuoitre.vn/tin/van-hoa-giai-tri/20160324/nha-su-hoc-ta-chi-dai-truong-qua-doi/1072954.html

 *   http://vietnamnet.vn/vn/giao-duc/295833/nha-su-hoc-ta-chi-dai-truong-qua-doi.html

Nhà Sử Học Tạ Chí Đại Trường qua đời tại Sài Gòn:

 *   http://www.nguoi-viet.com/absolutenm2/templates/viewarticlesNVO.aspx?articleid=224906&zoneid=1

See also our previous post on his works on Mémoires d'Indochine :

 *   https://indomemoires.hypotheses.org/14212

Sympathies to his family.


François Guillemot

Historien, Ingénieur de Recherche au CNRS


Institut d'Asie Orientale

ENS de Lyon, 15 parvis René Descartes

BP 7000 - 69342 Lyon Cedex 07 - France

Carnets de recherche & Ressources






Le 24/03/2016 13:01, Dien Nguyen a écrit :

Recent article by Prof Jonathan London fyi,

Nguyễn Điền

Independent Researcher


Show the world<http://blog.jonathanlondon.net/?p=696>

Posted on March 22, 2016<http://blog.jonathanlondon.net/?p=696>

For Vietnam, an expansionist China has often posed an existential threat. However, while not new in the historical experience of the nation, the nature and scope of the present threat is indeed novel in the experiences of the world's living population of Vietnamese.

A certain lucidity has spread across Vietnam as its people are waking up to the fact that China, its eternal neighbor, is currently being governed by a neo-imperialist state bent on territorial expansion, a state that has shown open disregard for international norms, and a state that is attempting to annex great swathes of territory with an arrogance and self-righteousness that is nothing short of astonishing.



Vsg mailing list


François Guillemot <francois.guillemot@ens-lyon.fr>

Mar 25, 2016, 1:10 AM

to Wynn, Vietnam

Dear all,

Thank you Wynn and Hue-Tam for your precious memories and testimonies on

Ta Chi Dai Truong.

I hope that a complete collection of his works will be published in a

soon future, even his united works mentioned by Hue Tam.

I don't know if any english translation is available, it would be very


According to the Nguoi Viet article, his birth date is 1935, but

officially declared in 1938.




François Guillemot

Historien, ingénieur de recherche au CNRS

Institut d'Asie Orientale [IAO]

ENS de Lyon

15 parvis René-Descartes BP 7000

69342 Lyon cedex 07 - France



Carnets de recherche & ressources







Tuan Hoang <tuannyriver@gmail.com>

Mar 25, 2016, 7:27 AM

to Wynn, Vietnam

If I may be indulgent for a moment, this blog post of mine includes three photos of TTĐT talking to Tuong Vu and me in Orange County last spring, probably around the time of Wynn's interview.  Scroll to the very end.   To say his mind was very active is an understatement, as he gave a lot of details to the questions we asked. 


Also a short write-up from Liam Kelley's blog:


Tuan Hoang

Pepperdine University
