Ngo Dinh Nhu-Pham Hung Meeting in 1963 ?

From: Vsg <> On Behalf Of Edward G. Miller

Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 8:14 AM

To: Cau Thai <>; VSG <>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Ngo Dinh Nhu-Pham Hung Meeting in 1963 ?

Dear Calvin,

In Chapter 9 of my book Misalliance, I mentioned the alleged meeting between Nhu and Pham Hung in the context of my discussion of the possible contacts between the Ngo brothers and Communist Party leaders in 1963. During the summer and fall of 1963, there were lots of rumors circulating in Saigon and elsewhere about such contacts. (Many of these rumors were circulated by Nhu himself.) However, the story about the Nhu-Pham Hung meeting seems to have emerged a few years later, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, when the South Vietnamese press was awash in uncorroborated stories about Diem and Nhu’s purported willingness to negotiate with Hanoi for a “neutralized” South Vietnam.

As I explained in the book, I remain very skeptical of the notion that Diem and Nhu were prepared to entertain the idea of a compromise peace with Hanoi in 1963. There is plenty of evidence showing that the brothers were firmly convinced that they were winning the war against the NLF. They were wrong, but that is what they believed. Given that conviction, the later tales of the Ngos’ alleged willingness to make a secret deal with Hanoi seem like wishful thinking, born of an ex post facto desire to rehabilitate the brothers as peace advocates who were killed because they were secretly preparing to end the Vietnam War.

So: did Nhu meet with Pham Hung in 1963? Its possible. If it did happen, it sure would be fascinating to read any reports that Pham Hung might have made about their conversation! But unless and until such reports surface, the existing accounts of such a meeting should be consumed with a good deal of salt, I think.

Best regards,


Edward Miller

Associate Professor of History

Dartmouth College

6107 Carson Hall, Hanover, NH 03755

From: Vsg <> On Behalf Of Cau Thai

Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 9:39 AM

To: VSG <>

Subject: [Vsg] Ngo Dinh Nhu-Pham Hung Meeting in 1963 ?

Dear List,

Several Vietnamese authors referred to a meeting between Ngo Dinh Nhu, Ngo Dinh Diem's brother, and Pham Hung, VCP Politburo member, in Central Vietnam in 1963.

I would like to know whether there were any Western sources on this meeting or whether the meeting was a myth ?


Calvin Thai
