Notes on Archives Center No 3

Government Agency, Organization, Individual

February 2003

Dear Friends,

The purpose of the list below is to help researchers who use records in Vietnam’s National Archive number 3 (Trung Tam Luu Tru Quoc Gia so 3). One significant puzzle facing users is figuring out what records are in the archive. No list of record groups (phong) or catalogs or inventories (muc luc) of files are available for users, at least so far as myself or any other researcher I’ve talked to knows

Listed alpathetically below are government agencies, organizations, and individuals for which one or more phong seem to exist in the archive. If known, additional information about the number or names of phong and muc luc is listed beside the agency, organization, or individual.

This list is compiled from material recent users of the archive have kindly provided and from what I came across when using it in 1995-1996 and 2000.

The archive reportedly holds over 250 phong, 80 of which have muc luc. If true, then the list below is very incomplete. Some of the details listed here may also be incorrect. Consequently, anyone with information is invited to make additions and corrections by writing to me. Afterwards, I’ll circulated an updated list.

Best wishes,

Ben Kerkvliet

Government agency, organization, individual

1. Ban Thanh Tra Chinh Phu.

2. Bo Cong Nghiep. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-1866+; time period 1954-1960. 1 volume tam thoi; time period 1953-1960.

3. Bo Cong Nghiep Nhe. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-196; time period 1959-1963. 1 volume tam thoi; ho so numbers 1-43; time period 1958-1962.

4. Bo Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham.

5. Bo Giao Duc. Muc luc: 2 volumes vinh vien; time period 1945-1964 (vol. 1) and 1946-1980 (vol. 2)

6. Bo Giao Duc va Dao Tao. Muc luc: 2 volumes tam thoi (vol 1 Uy Ban Bao Ve Ba Me va Tre Em Trun Uong and vol. 2 Truong Trung Hoc Nuoi Day Tre Trung Uong); time period 1971-1987.

7. Bo Lao Dong. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-1762; time period 1946-1970. 1 volume tam thoi; ho so numbers 1-906. Might be a volume 2; time period 1970-??

8. Bo Luong Thuc.

9. Bo Luong Thuc va Thuc Pham. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-2041; time period 1969-1981. 1 volume tam thoi; ho so numbers 1-650.

10. Bo Noi Thuong. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-???; time period 1958-??.

11. Bo Noi Vu.

12. Bo Nong Lam.

13. Bo Nong Nghiep. Muc luc: 1 volume (??) vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-582; time period 1962 (1960?) -1985.

14. Bo Nong Truong.

15. Bo Tai Chinh. Muc luc: 2 volumes vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-2919 (vol. 1) and 2920-6206 (vol. 2); time period 1945-1978. 1 volume tam thoi; ho so number 1-680??)

16. Bo Thuong Nghiep.

17. Bo Thuy Loi.

18. Bo Thuy Loi Dien Luc.

19. Bo Thuy Loi Kien Truc.

20. Bo Van Hoa. Muc luc: 1 volume ?? (when used in 1995, it was unbound) vinh vien; ho so numbers 1- at least 993 (notes incomplete). 1 volume (unbound in 1995) tam thoi; ho so numbers 1-???.

21. Bo Vat Tu.

22. Ca Nhan, 48 phong. Incomplete listing: Dang Thai Mai; Dao Duy Anh; Nguyen Khac Vien; Pham Ngoc Thach; Phan Cu De.

23. Canh Nong. 1945/54-1960. (Archive staff said in Sept. 2000 that the muc luc is still not completed.)

24. Cuc Cong Nghiep Dia Phuong va Tieu Thu Cong Nghiep

25. Cuc Cong Nghiep Nhe.

26. Cuc Det va Vat Dung.

27. Cuc Kien Thiet Co Ban - Bo Cong Nghiep.

28. Cuc Kien Thiet Co Ban - Bo Cong Nghiep Nhe.

29. Cuc Lap May.

30. Cuc Muoi.

31. Cuc Nong Truong Quan Doi.

32. Cuc Quan Ly Nong Truong Quoc Doanh.

33. Cuc Thuc Pham. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien; time period 1959-1964.

34. Cuc Xay Lap.

35. Dai Tieng Noi Viet Nam.

36. Dang Dan Chu Viet Nam.

37. Dang Xa Hoi Viet Nam.

38. Doan Thanh Nien Xung Phong.

39. Dong Ho. 6 phong.

40. Hoi Nghi Khang Chien Hanh Chinh Toan Quoc Lan Thu Nhat (23-31 July 1948). (Possibly are in the phong for Van Phong Chu Tich Chinh Phu.)

41. Hoi Nghi Khang Chien Hanh Chinh Toan Quoc Lan Thu Hai (20-28 April 1949). (Possibly are in the phong for Van Phong Chu Tich Chinh Phu.)

42. Khoi Tai Lieu Khoa Hoc Ky Thuat. 18 phong. Incomplete list: Cong Trinh San Bay Noi Bai; Cong Trinh Thuy Dien Song Da; Nha May Hoa Loc Dau; Cong Trinh Tru So UBND va HDND Thanh Pho Ha Noi.

43. Lao Ha Yen. 4 phong. One of them is Khu Nong Lam Ha Yen.

44. Lien Khu III. 11 phong. Incomplete list: Khu Cong Thuong Lien Khu III; Khu Lao Dong Lien Khu III; Khu Nong Lam Lien Khu III; Khu Cong Chinh Lien Khu III; Uy Ban Hanh Chinh Lien Khu III (see below under "U").

45. Lien Khu IV. 6 phong. Incomplete list: Khu Lao Dong Lien Khu IV (22 items); Uy Ban Hanh Chinh Lien Khu IV (113 vinh vien files, 18 tam thoi files); Khu Cong Thuong Lien Khu IV (17 files); Khu Giao Thong Lien Khu VI (179 vinh vien files, 12 tam thoi files).

46. Lien Khu V. 8 phong. Incomplete list: Cong Ty Tiep Nhan Vat Tu Da Nang; Uy Ban KC Lien Khu V (87 files).

47. Mien Nam. 4 phong. Incomplete listing: Uy Ban KCHC Nam Bo. (KCHC = Khang Chien Hanh Chinh).

48. Mien Nam Trung Bo. Uy Ban KCHC Mien Nam Trung Bo (523 files).

49. Nha Cong Chinh.

50. Nha Cong Chinh Hoa Xa.

51. Nha Thuy Loi.

52. Phu Thu Tuong. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-2333; time period 1945-1954.

53. Quoc Hoi. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-1798; time period 1946-1983. 1 volume tam thoi; ho so numbers ???

54. So Doanh Dien.

55. So Kho Thoc.

56. So Mau Dich Trung Uong.

57. So Muoi (Bo Noi Thuong)

58. So Quoc Doanh Lam Khan

59. So Thue Trung Uong.

60. Ta Ngan. 7 phong. Incomplete list: Khu Lao Dong Ta Ngan; Uy Ban Hanh Chinh Khu Ta Ngan (see below under "U") .

61. Tay Bac. 15 phong. Incomplete list: So Cong Nghiep; So Nong Nghiep; Uy Ban Hanh Chinh Khu Tu Tri Tay Bac; Vien Kiem Sat Tay Bac.

62. Tong Cuc Giao Thong Thuy Loi.

63. Tong Cuc Luong Thuc.

64. Tong Cuc Thong Ke. Muc luc: 2 volumes vinh vien; vol. 1 ho so numbers 1-1621; vol. 2 ho so numbers 1632-3156; time period 1955-1976. 1 volume tam thoi; ho so numbers 1-1106.

65. Tong Cuc Vat Tu.

66. Uy Ban Dieu Tra Toi Ac Chien Tranh cua De Quoc My o Viet Nam.

67. Uy Ban Hanh Chinh Khu Ta Ngan. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-555; time period 1951-1958. At the end of this vinh vien volume are a few pages listing ho so marked tam thoi, which number 1-89 (? maybe higher than 89).

68. Uy Ban Hanh Chinh Khu Tu Tri.

69. Uy Ban Ke Hoach Nha Nuoc. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien; ho so numbers 1-1798; time period 1946-1983. 1 volume tam thoi; ho so numbers 1-2223; time period 1955-1978.

70. Uy Ban Khang Chien Hanh Chinh Lien Khu III. Muc luc: 2 volumes vinh vien; vol. 1 ho so numbers 1-2015; vol 2 ho so numbers 2016-4183; time period 1949-1960.

71. Uy Ban Nong Nghiep Trung Uong. Muc luc: one volume?? (when used in 1995, it had not yet been bound; ho so numbers 1-217; time period 1971-1976 (1986??)

72. Uy Ban Thanh Tra Nha Nuoc tu Nam 1959 den Nam 1992. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien. The intro. in Vol. 1 says there are 2 volumes tam thoi; vol. 2 phan chung and vol. 3 Vu Xet Khieu To.

73. Uy Ban Thong Nhat Chinh Phu. Muc luc: 1 volume vinh vien and 1 volume tam thoi.

74. Uy Ban to Cao Toi Ac Chien Tranh cua De Quoc My va Tay Sai o Mien Nam Viet Nam.

75. Van Phong Chu Tich Cinh Phu.

76. Vien Bao Ve Ba Me Tre Em.

77. Vien Chan Nuoi.

78. Vien Khao Cuu Nong Lam.

79. Vien Thiet Ke Tong Hop.

80. Vien Trong Trot.

81. Viet Bac. 23 phong. Incomplete list: Dang Doan Viet Bac; Khu Cong Thuong Viet Bac; Khu Lao Dong Viet Bac; Khu Nong Lam Viet Bac; So Kien Thuc Viet Bac; So Lam Nghiep Viet Bac; So Nong Nghiep Viet Bac; So Thuy Loi Viet Bac; Uy Ban Cai Cach Ruong Dat Viet Bac; Uy Ban Hanh Chinh Khu Tu Tri Viet Bac.

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