Wartime music from the DRV and NLF

Nu-Anh Tran tran_n_a at yahoo.com

Tue Jan 27 09:34:58 PST 2015

Dear list, I am looking formusic from the DRV and NLF for use in one of my classes. Does anyone know ifthere are period recordings available on the internet or for sale? What songsor composers were the most popular or considered the most representative? I’mespecially interested in what was known as “red music” or “revolutionary music”that dealt specifically with romantic love and the war. I’ve been able to findcontemporary recordings and lyrics of songs that meet that description but not period recordings. I’m much morefamiliar with music from the RVN and its availability, and I thought it mightbe interesting for students to do some compare and contrast. NLF music seemsespecially difficult to track down. Thank you inadvance for any assistance. If you prefer, please feel free to email meoff-list.Cheers,Nu-Anh Tran, PhDAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Connecticut

Professor Tran, if you search on Youtube for the term "nhạc đỏ" you will

find a lot of wartime music from the North. A subgenre is the romantic

heroic type in which a couple's love is expressively intertwined with that

for one's country, and the lovers promise to wait for each other until the

war is over no matter how long that would take. A popular song of that

genre is Tình ca by Hoàng Việt.

Tình Ca - Hoàng Việt: http://youtu.be/AKw8peEoiFU

Anh Pham

Washington DC

Frank Proschan frank.proschan at yahoo.com

Tue Jan 27 13:18:31 PST 2015

There are several recordings available for digital download from Smithsonian Folkways (folkways.si.edu) that were licensed from Dihavina or Voice of Viet Nam during the American war. A couple were first published by the Paredon label, run by Irwin Silber and his wife, folksinger Barbara Dane. Paredon also published recordings of various revolutionary struggles around the world.


Frank ProschanParis

Martin Großheim Martin.Grossheim at Uni-Passau.De

Wed Jan 28 06:40:41 PST 2015

Dear list,

the website "Vietnam Cultural Profile" used to provide a lot of

information on Vietnamese music.

"The Viet Nam Cultural Profile

represents the first major attempt to map the cultural infrastructure

of this fascinating yet hitherto poorly-documented country. It offers a

detailed sector-by-sector guide to Archives, Competitions and Awards,

Ethnic Culture, Festivals, Film, Funding, Government Cultural Policy and

Infrastructure, Heritage, International Exchange, Libraries,

Literature, Mass Culture, Media (Broadcasting, Press, Publishing,

Internet), Performing Arts, Research, Tourism, Training, Visual Arts and

Youth Arts. Each sectoral overview concludes with a detailed directory

of key contact organisations, making it possible for the reader not only

to learn about what is happening in a particular cultural sector, but

also to make direct contact with the key people working in it."


Unfortunately, the original link doesn't work anymore. Does anyone know

whether there is a new URL?

Thanks in advance and cheers,

Martin Grossheim


Oscar Salemink o.salemink at anthro.ku.dk

Wed Jan 28 09:02:08 PST 2015

Hello Martin,

If I am not mistaken then the "lost url" might have been of Visiting Arts (under the British Council) which produced country profiles and arts directories. It would be a pity if that service had disappeared. For Vietnam, Tim Doling was mostly responsible; maybe he can shed light on this himself.

All best,

Oscar Salemink

Professor in the Anthropology of Asia

Department of Anthropology

Faculty of Social Sciences

University of Copenhagen

Øster Farimagsgade 5

1353 København K.


Andrew Pearson pearson.drew at gmail.com

Wed Jan 28 09:09:19 PST 2015

what about this:


Sophie Quinn-Judge sophie.quinnjudge at gmail.com

Wed Jan 28 08:55:12 PST 2015

This is one of the revolutionary songs that I find most memorable.

*Vàm* *cỏ* *đông* - Thơ Hoài Vũ - Nhạc *Trương* * Quang* ...



Sophie Quinn-Judge

Center for Vietnamese Philosophy, Culture and Society

Temple Unversity

Hoang t. Dieu-Hien dieuhien at uw.edu

Wed Jan 28 10:35:55 PST 2015

One of the wildly popular love songs during the war in the DRV was "Trường

Sơn Đông, Trường Sơn Tây," which was a poem written by Phạm Tiến Duật, put

to music by Hoàng Hiệp. Its popularity caught on in the South after 1975.

Here's one rendition of this period music by today young pop singers Đức

Tuấn and Thanh Thuý


Hoang t. Dieu-Hien dieuhien at uw.edu

Wed Jan 28 11:43:43 PST 2015

​Even though ​Hoàng Hiệp was a southerner, he went North in 1954 and,

technically, was part of the DRV.

One of the most popular NLF songwriters was Xuân Hồng from Tây Ninh. He

produced some of the period most popular songs in the DRV as well as among

the NLF, Bài Ca May Áo, Tiếng Chày Trên Sóc Bom Bo, and Xuân Chiến Khu.

Again, these songs appealed to the southern audience post 1975 as well.

Xuân Hồng's music is readily available on the internet. Here's one

example, again, sung by another young pop singer today Cẩm Ly.


Vsg barleynorton1 at gmail.com

Wed Jan 28 14:51:58 PST 2015

There is a vinyl record Chant des Marquis du Vietnam (Le Chant du Monde LDX-4316) with original field recordings by Madeleine Riffaud of NLF songs including Bài ca may áo by Xuân Hồng. The record is very rare but is held by a few libraries.

I discuss some 'red music' from the DRV and NLF in my chapter "Vietnamese popular song in 1968: war, protest and sentimentalism" in the book Music and Protest in 1968 (CUP, 2013).

Barley Norton

Music Department

Goldsmiths, University of London

Fox, Diane dnfox at holycross.edu

Wed Jan 28 16:16:31 PST 2015

Hi --

So much! I don't know if what I have at hand is useful or de trop, but

from the early 1990's I have two cassette tapes that might be relevant--or


The first is "Bai Ca Truong Son" -- with a dozen or more cuts. Various

artists, put out by Trung Tam Bang Nhac Tre in July of 1993.

The second is "Am Vang Dien Bien", with 13 cuts by various composers and

artists, Ho Guom Audio-Video.

If either of these could be of interest, I'd be happy to list the cuts and

artists. I'd be happy to copy the tapes to disc if I had the right

equipment -- but maybe you can find it all on You Tube?


Diane Fox

Holy Cross