Pham Phu Minh


Does anyone know the scholar Pha.m Phu' Minh who edited the remarkable

collection Nhat Linh: Nguoi Nghe Si, Nguoi Chien Si, published by The^'

Ky? (Westminster, 2004).

I may have bought my copies of the book from him but I have lost the

correspondence. Inquiries to mavens, to bookstores and the printers

haven't panned out yet. Can anyone introduce me to Pham Phu Minh?


Dear Dan Duffy,

If The Ky is the publisher of the magazine 'The Ky

21', then you may be able to get help for getting the

address of Mr. Pham Phu Minh from the publisher of

Nguoi Viet: Mr. Do Quy Toan at his email: .

Were you at Institute of East Asian Studies-UC

Berkeley with professor Scalapino before, and I

believe we have met ? For a long time, I did not

contact it; now I would like to buy my own book "The

Vietnamese Tradition of Human Rights," and I am

wondering I should use the same address for

ordering--is there any change in the procedure of

ordering book published there?


Tai Van Ta

PS. I recently published on the Internet (besides iin


--"The rights of the defendants: comparing Vietnamese

law and American practice" (paper presented to the

training workshop of 400 attorneys in Hanoi ,2004), on (both English and


- "Gioi thieu sach Khi Dong Minh Thao Chay cua GS

Nguyen Tien Hung va ban them ve chien tranh Viet Nam"

,on Talawas and on Dien Dan Dan Chu (you can access

both from the general website of

you have probably known already)

Thanks for the several gracious responses to my plea. PPM has kindly

granted permission to use a detail from the cover of his Nhat Linh:

Nguoi Nghe Si, Nguoi Chien Si (The Ky, 2004) at the Viet Nam Literature

Project website.

You can see it there now at, a sketch from Da Lat by

Nhat Linh himself. It illustrates the October launch which we will

announce with a mailing next week, Greg and Monqiue Lockhart's

translation of the utopian "Dream of Tu Lam."

Not knowing where to find Pham Phu Minh turns out to be one of those

awkward and embarassing gestures one makes stumbling around as a

cultural broker. He's a central person, working at the heart of

publishing in Vietnamese America.

If you haven't seen it, his anthology on Nhat Linh is an essential

purchase for a collection on Vietnamese modernism. It contains a wealth

of family photos, facsimiles of lesser-known publications, and fiction

from the later part of Nhat Linh Nguyen Tuong Tam's career.

NLNTT is hard to get a grasp on because he anthologized himself several

times, beginning in Ha Noi during the French war, then again in Saigon

after 1954. His fans did it again when they fled Viet Nam. All this

documentation fails to explain simple things that the man and his fans

took for granted.

Who was Nhat Linh and what was the Tu Luc Van Doan? How do you explain

that in twenty minutes. I still can't do it, but Pham Phu Minh's

anthology has been a huge help. It really should be in any library that

collects Viet Nam.
