How reliable are Vietnam's COVID-19 stats?

From: Vsg <> On Behalf Of Greg Nagle

Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:42 PM

To: George Black <>

Cc: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] How reliable are Vietnam's COVID-19 stats?

I don't think the case numbers for Lao, Cambodia and Myanmar are accurate since those governments have much less capacity to identify cases and lack a certain deep fear of what comes out of China like the Viets have.

If no deaths in Vietnam I think it is because mostly younger people were infected and it did not spread far in the population, But we may soon see the first death of a 43 year old British pilot who was said to be "obese"

The Vietnamese were relentless in pursuing this with testing and quarantines . Reports are that they had earlier also hacked into the Chinese medical system to keep track of the situation there, I also suspect that US intelligence picked up on early information about this and passed on to the Viets. long before anyone in the White House was paying any attention, A pandemic like this has been warily anticipated for years.

George Black addresses this question about honesty in reporting in his article which I posted a few days ago, Link here and other links on this. below the article excerpt.

from article...

A more common argument is that Vietnam is an authoritarian one-party state, so its numbers can’t be trusted. One fiercely anti-communist Viet Khieu—an “overseas Vietnamese”—told me that the numbers are a lie to avoid losses to the huge tourist industry. That makes no sense, since tourism has already been wiped out by the cancellation of all air travel. In neighboring Cambodia and Laos, there may be some justification for doubting official statistics. In both countries, the health care system is rudimentary (when I visited the main hospital in Vientiane, the Lao capital, last year, I was told that there is just one MRI machine in the whole country). And remembering the enthusiasm with which Hun Sen, the Cambodian premier, allowed cruise ship passengers to disembark freely in Sihanoukville in February hardly breeds confidence.

However, says Todd Pollack, a professor at Harvard Medical School who directs the Partnership for Health Advancement in Vietnam in Hanoi, “I see no reason to mistrust the information coming out of the government at this time. Vietnam’s response was swift and decisive. If the epidemic were much larger than is being officially reported, we would see the evidence in increased emergency room visits and hospital admissions—and we’re not seeing it.”

Greg Nagle

PhD Forest and watershed science

Hanoi,, Vietnam

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 3:23 AM Thaveeporn Vasavakul <> wrote:

Dear Prof. Tai,

Thanks for the thoughts. If we put the number of reported cases together with 2019 population statistics, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam are equally successful. Would have been nice to explain why. And what is wrong with Cambodia?

- LPDR 19 cases/7.2 million or 2.6 cases/1 million population

- Myanmar 146 cases/54 million or 2.7 cases/1 million population

- Vietnam 270 cases/95.49 million or 2.8 cases/1 million population

If we use the death rate as the criterion (assuming that the death figures given are accurate), then LPDR would be no. 1 (2.6 cases/1 million population with 0 death like Vietnam). Also interesting to ask why.

Vietnam has tracked and quarantined a large number of people. At one point, I noticed that the MOH website recorded 90,000+ suspected cases of infection (nghi nhiem). This number has now dropped to around 400+.

I feel that there is a lot of work to do still to have decent studies on how these SEA governments deal with covid 19.

Best Regards,

Thaveeporn Vasavakul


From: Hue-Tam Tai []

Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 2:20 AM

To: Jason Morgan

Cc: Thaveeporn Vasavakul; Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: Re: [Vsg] How reliable are Vietnam's COVID-19 stats?

Dear Thaveeporn

Nice to hear from you.

It is useful to put the number of reported cases together with population statistics. taking into account that both may not be entirely accurate, here is the breakdown:

Laos, population (2015 estimate): 7,096. 19 cases.

Cambodia: population (2019): 15,288; 122 cases

Myanmar: population (2017) 53,582; 146 cases

Vietnam: population (2018) 95,540, 270 cases..

The website Statistica has the breakdown of cases in Vietnam by province..

A couple of days ago, the New York Times ran an article on the struggle of Chelsea, MA to deal with the pandemic. Chelsea is just across the Charles from us in Cambridge. It makes an interesting contrast to the description of measures taken in Vietnam.

I have only one acquaintance who tested positive after coming in contact with "Patient 21". She and her daughter were quarantined, then had to self-isolate since March. My friend has just returned to work today as have other academics.


Hue-Tam Ho Tai

Harvard emerita

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 2:45 PM Jason Morgan <> wrote:

Is it fair to say that at this stage, we simply don’t know if Vietnam’s Covid-19 statistics are accurate or not?

I don’t imply that Vietnam has hidden anything. But my guess is that there has been no independent verification. It is most likely international organizations like WHO simply received the government’s figures and take it as it is. I believe that WHO do the same in other countries: they just receive the figures from the governments.

Again, I emphasize that I don’t imply that Vietnam has hidden anything. But that there is no independent verification. And to do proper investigation, if one must, then we will have to search whether there were any suspicious government instructions or internal documents, etc.

So for now, everyone is happy for Vietnam, as we should be. And whether Vietnam’s statistics are accurate or not, it is not really a big issue at the moment. Because the bigger issue is many other countries have been very bad in their Covid-19 response.


Bain & Company Asia

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 7:28 PM Thaveeporn Vasavakul <> wrote:

Observation: 2. I was pleasantly surprised to read from a fairly reliable source that VN seemed to have dodged the corona bullet, for now:

As of 27 April, the number of covid 19 cases is Southeast Asia's one-party dominant regime is as follows: 19 in Laos, 122 in Cambodia, 146 in Myanmar, and 270 in Vietnam. Comparing these figures, Vietnam seems the least successful?

Observation: Why has no-one died in Vietnam? This seems remarkable given the basic quality of hospitals in rural areas and even in some cities. With nearly 300 cases and an average death rate world-wide of 1% (arguably) we should have seen at least 3 deaths.

Perhaps the percentage of deaths could be explained by the severity of the illness (i.e., Vietnam tracks fast and finds people with mild symptoms) as well as the age range and health conditions of the infected persons. Also, the US experience shows that many of the deaths considered "normal" should have been attributed to covid 19.

It seems there is no standardized way of collection information on covid19 in SEA.

Thaveeporn Vasavakul



From: Vsg [] on behalf of Bill Hayton []

Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 8:30 AM

To: 'Vuong Vu-Duc'; Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: [Vsg] How reliable are Vietnam's COVID-19 stats?

Several questions occur to me. Why has no-one died in Vietnam? This seems remarkable given the basic quality of hospitals in rural areas and even in some cities. With nearly 300 cases and an average death rate world-wide of 1% (arguably) we should have seen at least 3 deaths.

How can we be sure that no-one died of Coronavirus in Vietnam? Even at the best of times death reporting is less than accurate. This recent paper says it’s particularly bad for cardiovascular disease and diabetes…

Does Vietnam produce weekly mortality statistics? Can they tell us anything useful? How many ‘pneumonia’ or ‘lung infection’ deaths have been recorded in the past couple of months that may have been COVID-19? Does anyone investigate the figures or are they now a state secret?

I’m intrigued…

Bill Hayton

From: Vsg [] On Behalf Of Vuong Vu-Duc

Sent: 23 April 2020 21:45

To: Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: [Vsg] Curiosity may save a cat

Hello, VSGers,

I'm intrigued over the topic of our days, corona, and in particular two recent items in the news concerning the pandemic in Viet Nam.

Would appreciate any an all reaction, discussion, extrapolation, suggestion, imagination... (but no accusation, please) from this circle of folks interested in VN.

1. This story may explain the run for toilet paper last month, (or rice in Asian markets), as well as open a window into the new cyber-warfare:

Chinese Agents Helped Spread Messages That Sowed Virus Panic in U.S., Officials Say

American officials were alarmed by fake text messages and social media posts that said President Trump was locking down the country. Experts see a convergence with Russian tactics.

By Edward Wong, Matthew Rosenberg and Julian E. Barnes April 22, 2020

2. I was pleasantly surprised to read from a fairly reliable source that VN seemed to have dodged the corona bullet, for now:

In Vietnam, There Have Been Fewer Than 300 COVID-19 Cases And No Deaths. Here's Why


3. Then today brought this news and I'm curious if there's any link between the preceding story and this one. Can someone pitch in, confirm or reject it, or elucidate?

APRIL 22, 2020 -- Jack Stubbs, Raphael Satter

Vietnam-linked hackers targeted Chinese government over coronavirus response: researchers

Many thanks, and stay well.


Vũ-Đức Vượng


A Clearinghouse on Educ. in Viet Nam

San Francisco - Sai Gon

What you see depends on where you stand

Universal healthcare from creation to cremation


Vsg mailing list


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Attachments area

Judith A N Henchy <>

Wed, Apr 29, 10:34 AM

to Thaveeporn, me

Dear Thaveeporn, Is this the message you are referring to?

From: Vsg [] on behalf of Thaveeporn Vasavakul []

Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 4:21 PM

To: Hue-Tam Tai; Jason Morgan

Cc: Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [Vsg] How reliable are Vietnam's COVID-19 stats?

All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser.

These types of messages are usually coming from your home email administration. I don’ t recognize this as being a VSG-generated response.

Sorry, I can’t really help.



Judith Henchy, Ph.D., MLIS

Head, Southeast Asia Section

Special Assistant to the Dean of University Libraries for international Programs

Affiliate Faculty, Jackson School of International Studies

University of Washington Libraries

From: Thaveeporn Vasavakul <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 9:13 PM

To: Judith A N Henchy <>

Subject: FW: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [Vsg] How reliable are Vietnam's COVID-19 stats?

Dear Judith,

A strange message below popped up in my email box. it is about a thread being blocked and there is a need for verification of a sender/message. Please look at the message below (after the one sent by Alan Hawk. I am not sure whether I am or somebody is being blocked. Could you kindly help let me know what the procedure is? Sorry to bother you, but I am not sure where to send my query.

Long time no see. Hope all is well. Take care.

Best Regards,


From: Hawk, Alan J CIV DHA J-9 (USA) []

Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 11:04 PM

To: Thaveeporn Vasavakul; Hue-Tam Tai; Jason Morgan

Cc: Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [Vsg] How reliable are Vietnam's COVID-19 stats?

I have been following this with interest.

A couple of things. Vietnam is awash in febrile illnesses such as malaria. Could the COVID cases be mis-diagnosed? Has the been an increase in the rate of Influenza or Malaria?

If this is a disease that is suppressed in warm humid climate, should we be on the lookout for for more cases as cools down a bit? DISCLOSURE: I have never been to Vietnam so I don't know the seasonal variation (if any) in Viet Nam.

What is the comparison of Viet Nam to nations between the tropic of cancer and equator in India, Africa and Central and South America with similar economic and medical facility conditions?


Alan Hawk

Collections Manager, Historical Collections

National Museum of Health and Medicine

J-9, Defense Health Agency

2460 Linden La.

Silver Spring, MD 20910

NMHM on Twitter:

NMHM on Facebook:

Phone: (301) 319-3361, DSN 319-3361

Fax: (301) 319-3373, DSN 319-337

From: Vsg [] on behalf of Thaveeporn Vasavakul []

Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 4:21 PM

To: Hue-Tam Tai; Jason Morgan

Cc: Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [Vsg] How reliable are Vietnam's COVID-19 stats?

All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 2:45 PM Jason Morgan < < > > wrote:

Is it fair to say that at this stage, we simply don’t know if Vietnam’s Covid-19 statistics are accurate or not?

I don’t imply that Vietnam has hidden anything. But my guess is that there has been no independent verification. It is most likely international organizations like WHO simply received the government’s figures and take it as it is. I believe that WHO do the same in other countries: they just receive the figures from the governments.

Again, I emphasize that I don’t imply that Vietnam has hidden anything. But that there is no independent verification. And to do proper investigation, if one must, then we will have to search whether there were any suspicious government instructions or internal documents, etc.

So for now, everyone is happy for Vietnam, as we should be. And whether Vietnam’s statistics are accurate or not, it is not really a big issue at the moment. Because the bigger issue is many other countries have been very bad in their Covid-19 response.


Bain & Company Asia

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 7:28 PM Thaveeporn Vasavakul < < > > wrote:

Observation: 2. I was pleasantly surprised to read from a fairly reliable source that VN seemed to have dodged the corona bullet, for now:

As of 27 April, the number of covid 19 cases is Southeast Asia's one-party dominant regime is as follows: 19 in Laos, 122 in Cambodia, 146 in Myanmar, and 270 in Vietnam. Comparing these figures, Vietnam seems the least successful?

Observation:Why has no-one died in Vietnam? This seems remarkable given the basic quality of hospitals in rural areas and even in some cities. With nearly 300 cases and an average death rate world-wide of 1% (arguably) we should have seen at least 3 deaths.

Perhaps the percentage of deaths could be explained by the severity of the illness (i.e., Vietnam tracks fast and finds people with mild symptoms) as well as the age range and health conditions of the infected persons. Also, the US experience shows that many of the deaths considered "normal" should have been attributed to covid 19.

It seems there is no standardized way of collection information on covid19 in SEA.

Thaveeporn Vasavakul



From: Vsg [ < > ] on behalf of Bill Hayton [ < > ]

Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 8:30 AM

To: 'Vuong Vu-Duc'; Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: [Vsg] How reliable are Vietnam's COVID-19 stats?

Several questions occur to me. Why has no-one died in Vietnam? This seems remarkable given the basic quality of hospitals in rural areas and even in some cities. With nearly 300 cases and an average death rate world-wide of 1% (arguably) we should have seen at least 3 deaths.

How can we be sure that no-one died of Coronavirus in Vietnam? Even at the best of times death reporting is less than accurate. This recent paper says it’s particularly bad for cardiovascular disease and diabetes… Caution- < Caution- >

Does Vietnam produce weekly mortality statistics? Can they tell us anything useful? How many ‘pneumonia’ or ‘lung infection’ deaths have been recorded in the past couple of months that may have been COVID-19? Does anyone investigate the figures or are they now a state secret?

I’m intrigued…

Bill Hayton

From: Vsg [ < > ]On Behalf Of Vuong Vu-Duc

Sent: 23 April 2020 21:45

To: Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: [Vsg] Curiosity may save a cat

Hello, VSGers,

I'm intrigued over the topic of our days, corona, and in particular two recent items in the news concerning the pandemic in Viet Nam.

Would appreciate any an all reaction, discussion, extrapolation, suggestion, imagination... (but no accusation, please) from this circle of folks interested in VN.

1. This story may explain the run for toilet paper last month, (or rice in Asian markets), as well as open a window into the new cyber-warfare:

Caution- < Caution- >

Chinese Agents Helped Spread Messages That Sowed Virus Panic in U.S., Officials Say

American officials were alarmed by fake text messages and social media posts that said President Trump was locking down the country. Experts see a convergence with Russian tactics.

By Edward Wong < Caution- > , Matthew Rosenberg < Caution- > and Julian E. Barnes < Caution- > April 22, 2020

2. I was pleasantly surprised to read from a fairly reliable source that VN seemed to have dodged the corona bullet, for now:

Caution- < Caution- >

In Vietnam, There Have Been Fewer Than 300 COVID-19 Cases And No Deaths. Here's Why


3. Then today brought this news and I'm curious if there's any link between the preceding story and this one. Can someone pitch in, confirm or reject it, or elucidate?

Caution- < Caution- >

APRIL 22, 2020 -- Jack Stubbs < Caution- > , Raphael Satter < Caution- >

Vietnam-linked hackers targeted Chinese government over coronavirus response: researchers

Many thanks, and stay well.


Vũ-Đức Vượng


A Clearinghouse on Educ. in Viet Nam

San Francisco - Sai Gon

What you see depends on where you stand

Universal healthcare from creation to cremation