Bang Thuong Conference

From Wed Sep 29 05:39:52 2004

Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 05:36:43 -0700 (PDT)



To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: VSG: Bang Thuong Conference


I just had the chance to attend a working meeting on cross border trade between Pingxiang, Guangxi PRC (Bang Thuong) and Lang Son. The meeting was held over a the weekend in Pingxiang. Representatives from the Vietnam Center for China Studies, Ministry of Trade, and Lang Son Government were there. The conference was hosted by the Guangxi Academy of Social Science, the Guangxi Association for Southeast Asian Studies, and the Pingxiang Government.

If anyone would like copies of papers please let me know. I am currently in China affiliated through the Guangxi Association of SEA Studies for the next two months and can get VNese translations of the documents if there is a demand for it.

Most of the presentations had to do with security issues and trade issues. The Conference was billed as a Working Research Discussion Meeting on the China-ASEAN Trading Relationship but, with the exception of a presentation on Laos by a PRC Ethnologist, was also exclusively about China-Vietnam trade.

I was the only non-PRC, non-SRV attendee, invited b/c I am working in Nanning, even though I am doing historical boderlands research. Nonetheless, it was a very interesting weekend.


Bradley Davis

PhD Candidate (on leave, 2004-2006)

Department of History

University of Washington

From Wed Sep 29 06:35:51 2004

Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 07:31:25 -0600

From: Sinh Vinh <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: RE: VSG: Bang Thuong Conference

I visited Pingxiang (its Sino-Vietnamese equivalent is Ba(`ng Tu+o+`ng, not Ba(`ng Thu+o+`ng) several years ago to get an idea about the route that Phan Bo^.i Cha^u and other Vietnamese traveled back and forth at the beginning of the twentieth century. I was nonetheless amazed by the booming border trade in this city.



From Wed Sep 29 21:11:23 2004

From Thu Oct 7 04:27:37 2004

Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 04:26:25 -0700 (PDT)



To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: VSG: Bang Tuong Paper Title List


Here is the list of paper titles translated into English. Apologies for any awkward phrasing.

I have typed this in manually because I can't send out attachments right now.

For those of you who have already sent me a postal mailing address (not e-mail) the materials will be to you shortly from Beijing.


Bradley Davis

1. Opening statement by Zhou Zhongjian, Professor of Overseas Chinese Studies at Guangxi Academy of Social Science (GXASS)

2. "Stable areas in the formation of CV border-area economic cooperation."

-Acting director of the Vietnam Institute for NE Asian Studies, Ngo Binh Xuan

3. "Relying on the guidance of Vietnam to develop the China-Laos trading relationship."

-Guangxi Institute of Ethnology's Division of Foreign Languages, Assistant Professor Tao Hong

4. "A few remarks on CV border-area trade and conditions realted to the developing CV border trade."

- Vietnam Social Science Academy's Office for China Research, Le Tuan Thanh

5. "An elaboration of the use of Guangxi-Vietnam connections and the promotion of success and development on both sides (of the border): the position and function of Pingxiang City (Bang Tuong).

-Head of GXASS Office for SEA Research, Professor Gu Xiaosong

6. " Vietnam's participation in the China-ASEAN Expo."

-Vietnam Institute for Trade (Vien Nghien Cuu Thuong Mai, under the Bo Thuong Mai) Nguyen Thi Nhieu, Ph.D.

7. "The Guangxi-Vietnam Area's Trade and Investment Environment."

-Head of the Legal and Regulatory Division of the Guangxi Commercial Office, Wu Linying

8. "A proposal concerning the CV trading relationship and an elaboration on the strong importance of CV trading areas for China-ASEAN cooperation and CV economic cooperation."

-VN Social Science Institute, Head of the Office of China Research DDo Binh Sam, Ph.D

9. "An elaboration of the importance of Pingxiang's local reasons for establishing an ASEAN trading platform."

-Representative of the Pingxiang Peoples Government (name not provided)

10. "Cooperation in trade between Lang Son (Liang Shan) Province and Guangxi"

-Head of the Office of Commerce, Trade, and Tourism for Lang Son Province, Bui Gia Nhieu

11. "A few proposals on economic cooperation between Chinese and Vietnamese trading areas."

-Assistant Director of GXASS Office for SEA Research, Assistant Professor Nong Lifu

12. "The Connective function of Vietnam and China in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area."

-Head of the Vietnam Social Science Institute World Economy Research Office, Nguyen Quan Thang