Query: Number of students in VN

Vuong Vu-Duc vuduc.vuong at gmail.com

Fri Mar 9 14:12:50 PST 2007

Friends & colleagues:

Does anyone have handy numbers, or can refer me to such, on the numbers of

students attending colleges (all post high school levels) in Vietnam for the

school years 2005-06 and 1995-96? I also need to divide these numbers by



Vu-Duc Vuong.

Diem Ngoc Nguyen ndnguyen at unc.edu

Fri Mar 9 16:15:11 PST 2007

Dear Duc,

Please see the attachment for the number you need. I hope it would help.


Le Dong Phuong phuong at fpt.vn

Sat Mar 10 00:24:32 PST 2007

check edu.net.vn

dan hoang hoangdanlieu at yahoo.com

Sat Mar 10 01:23:38 PST 2007

open our website www.ceqea.com then click on report and click on "Achievement, Problems and Solutions for Educational Equity in Vietnam". you can see number divided into gender and some other related the things you asked about.