PRG Constitution, Charter, or Other Quasi-Constitutional Document

From: Sidel, Mark

Date: 2009/1/21

Dear colleagues,

A question for which I should already know the answer but do not:

Did the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam have a constitution (hien phap), charter (dieu le) or some other quasi-constitutional document?

If it did, does anyone know where that might be found in either Vietnamese or English?

Many thanks.

Mark Sidel

University of Iowa


From: Khoa Le

Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 10:05 PM


I believe you can find several political programs issued by the NLF and the PRG in "A Vietcong Memoir" by Truong Nhu Tang (New York: Vintage Book, 1986). Parts of these documents were discussed in my book "Viet Nam 1945-1995: chien tranh, ti nan va bai hoc lich su" , ch. IX, pp. 387-392.

Le Xuan Khoa