Competing Masculinities

Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 18:58:51 -0500

From: "Mimi Thi Nguyen" <>

To: "Vietnam Studies Group" <>

Subject: [Vsg] Competing Masculinities?

I was wondering if anyone had any citations for research examining

competing narratives of "proper" masculinity between South Vietnamese

and North during the war. I was doing some reading on U.S. Cold War

discourses of communist perversity (i.e., the imagined linkage between

ideological affiliation and homosexuality) and wanted to know if such

linkages were transnational in their application--? Any suggestions

will be greatly appreciated!


Mimi Nguyen

From: "Matt Steinglass" <>

To: "'Vietnam Studies Group'" <>

Subject: RE: [Vsg] Competing Masculinities?

Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 09:29:47 +0700

Hi Mimi,

As an aside, I'd be interested in anything you've come across that bears

on the statements by former US POW's at Hoa Lo Prison that some of their

guards were homosexual. (See John McCain's account, excerpted in the

Library of America's "Reporting Vietnam" compilation, and personal

communication from one POW I interviewed.) I wonder to what extent this

is accurate, and to what extent a misinterpretation of body language, or

a reproduction of the Cold War discourses you refer to? (Or a

misinterpretation of sexual forms of humiliation and mistreatment,

commonly practiced against male POWs - see Croatia, Iraq, etc.)


Matt Steinglass

Mimi and all,

I have never had the stomach to read through the U.S. literature of the

VN-US war era for such things, but you may find the following articles of

mine of interest as offering historical perspective:

2002 "Syphilis, opiomania, and pederasty": Colonial Constructions of

Vietnamese (and French) Social Diseases. Journal of the History of Sexuality

11(4), 610-636.

2002 Eunuch Mandarins, Soldats Mamzelles, Effeminate Boys, and Graceless

Women: French Colonial Constructions of Vietnamese Genders. GLQ 8(4), 435


The latter (esp. the section on "Soldats Mamzelles") bears directly on your

topic. I would be surprised if the English-language literature has much by

way of comparison between North and South masculinities--for Americans as

for their French predecessors, all Vietnamese males were marked as

inadequately masculine. The primary war-era work that explicitly discusses

masculinity is the pseudonymous "Marnais" work:

Marnais, Philip. 1967. Saigon after dark. <New York>: MacFadden-Bartell


There's also a section of the REMF Bibliography by David A. Wilson and Nancy

Kendall that covers war-era pornography,


at least one or two of which may have something relevant to your

research--although the books themselves, as with much erotica, will be

notoriously difficult to retrieve through libraries.

Best of luck.

Frank Proschan

Project Director

Subject: RE: [Vsg] Competing Masculinities?

Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 01:52:41 -0500

From: "DiGregorio, Michael" <>

To: "Vietnam Studies Group" <>

Dear Mimi,

This website may also be of help to you.


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