Protest in HCMC

From: Roy Hornsby <>

Date: Aug 15, 2006 10:13 PM

Subject: [Vsg] protest in HCMC

Yesterday I was driving down Le Thanh Ton St and I noticed that there

was an orderly protest of some kind set up opposite the HCMC Peoples

Committee building.

There were maybe about 100 people with large banners and also some had

microphones and they were standing on the pavement outside the VietNam

airlines office (if they are still there that is) on the corner of

Nguyen Hue and facing over towards the committee building. So it

appeared to me as if the protest was being directed toward the

committee. Police had blocked off part of the road but all in all

things were very calm.

Does anybody know what this protest (if in fact that is what it was)

was about?

cheers - roy hornsby

From: Chuck Searcy <>

Date: Aug 16, 2006 2:37 AM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] protest in HCMC


No idea about the HCMC protest, but a couple of Saturdays ago in Hanoi a large group of

mostly women protesters, several dozens at least, assembled across from the Hanoi PPC with

homemade signs and banners, something about land issues I think (or land and taxes), but I

was in a taxi and couldn't tell for sure. They were orderly, and several police were

standing around but doing nothing to stop them.

I think I mentioned sometime ago another protest I saw at the National Assembly building in

Hanoi, again about land and taxes, and the police took the cardboard signs away from the

demonstrators. The women promptly rewrote their messages on their conical hats, and the

police could not bring themselves to confiscate the hats, so the protesters and their

messages prevailed.

It seems that most issues worldwide come down to matters of land ownership and use, the

source of grievous and sometimes tragic problems and conflicts.

Chuck Searcy

From: B Dwyer <>

Date: Aug 16, 2006 6:07 AM

Subject: RE: [Vsg] protest in HCMC

I am not there at the moment so I cant say for sure but it is Cach Mang

Thang Tam time again & I remember last year there were a couple of marches

around the place


From: Chung Nguyen <>

Date: Aug 17, 2006 9:04 PM

Subject: RE: [Vsg] protest in HCMC

As I was riding a "xe om" in Tan Binh district a couple hundred yards near Dinh Tien Hoang

Street on Wednesday afternoon (around 5:15 PM), I saw a group of about 60-70 people carrying

banners demanding just compensation or the return of their land in an orderly fashion. They

were walking in the opposite direction, on the street and not on the pavement. There

appeared to be no uniformed police people around. Everything appeared ordinary, no one

stopped to watch or had any unusual reaction. The "xe om" driver told me that the same thing

happened in Hanoi and that it was a well-known issue, esp. in the local provinces. Officials

would, he said, took over large piece of land for some specially designed public projects,

compensating the farmners' loss based upon the value of their "cultivated or uncultivated

farm land", which came out to be a pittance. Then, a year or two later, the project would be

suddenly dropped, and the land sold to private or joint developers for 10 to 30 times the

original price. Unable to find redress locally, people came to Hanoi or HCM city. In the big

cities, the law for compensation is much better known, and applied much more carefully.

I have read reports of similar protests since last year, but usually at major

government's offices. I understand that the government is slowly liberalizing (back and

forth), but it's still a surprise to suddenly see a group of demonstrators walking

unhindered down the street, with no one batting an eye.

Nguyen Ba Chung

From: Jonathan D. London (Asst Prof) <>

Date: Aug 23, 2006 2:42 AM

Subject: RE: [Vsg] protest in HCMC

Dear All,

On Monday (21 Aug) on my way to the TPHCM airport I saw a group of about 20 to 30 middle-

aged protesters, some on crutches, at least one in a wheel cheer, walking against the grain

of the traffic protesting (what they claimed was) illegal seizure of land by state officials

in Binh Duong province.

Some of the placards stated that land shouldn’t be taken from those who died for the

revolutionary cause. It was a surprising sight. I forget what street I was on.

In Hanoi in 97, I would regularly pass sit-in demonstrations outside the home of the

President of the NA (on Pham Dinh Phuong)…but this was the first (apparently unofficial)

march I had seen.

I suppose who is protesting what matters a great deal in what types of protests are


In this case, two police officers rode leisurely behind the marchers on a motor bike,

looking relaxed, the one in back sitting side-saddle, both and wearing smiles.

My guess is that nothing like that could happen where I live.

From: <>

Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 10:02:47 (GMT)

Subject: [Vsg] IPS-VIETNAM: Officials Grab Land, Evict Peasants

This story has been forwarded to you from, Inter Press Service The News


VIETNAM: Officials Grab Land, Evict Peasants

Tran Dinh Thanh Lam

HANOI, Aug 8 (IPS)

From: Roy Hornsby <>

Date: Aug 16, 2006 11:47 AM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] IPS-VIETNAM: Officials Grab Land, Evict Peasants

I think that this posting and the replies to my question of why there

was protest staged in HCMC may well have supplied the answer.

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