

Dear VSG,

It's me again, Hung Cam Thai. I am now searching for empirical works on

the notion of "gratitude" [mang on] or "debt" [no], but not economic debts,

rather debts created by gift economies like doing favors for families and

friends (for example, relying on someone to act as a matchmaker). Thank

you for any possible leads.


Hung Cam Thai

Hung Cam Thai asked for suggestions on the topic of "gratitude." These aren't specific to Vietnam, but they may be of interest if you haven't already read them:

“Giving in Asia: A Symposium,” Journal of Asian Studies 46:2 (May 1987); and

Mike W. Martin, “Good Fortune Obligates: Gratitude, Philanthropy, and Colonialism,” Southern Journal of Philosophy 37 (Spring, 1999)

