Query on propaganda posters

David Del Testa ddeltest at bucknell.edu

Thu Oct 29 07:29:48 PDT 2015

Dear VSG friends,

I forward below a question from Martin Guérin at INALCO in France. Although he and his student should receive the replies directly, I wonder if the whole group might have an interest in the answers as well as an update to the archived VSG thread on the topic found at:https://www.lib.washington.edu/SouthEastAsia/vsg/elist_2009/Catalogs%20of%20Historica%20Poster%20Art%20in%20Vietnam.html

In essence, I think that Dr. Guerin’s student wants access to original posters, not reproductions. Contrary to what is suggested in the message, I don’t have a significant collection, very unfortunately.

Thanks in advance, best wishes, David

> Dear Prof. Del Testa,

> One of my Master's degree students, Ms Julie Albert (cc), is currently conducting a research on Vietnamese propaganda. She experiences difficulties in locating a series of genuine posters from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1945-1976) that she could study. Jean-François Klein told me that you personally own a number of posters and that you might be of some assistance in this matter. Would you be able to share some of your posters images with her or to guide her to a place where she could actually find such posters (in France or Vietnam preferably).

> Best regards,


> --

> Mathieu Guérin

> Maître de conférences en histoire de l'Asie du Sud-Est

> Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales

mathieu.guerin at inalco.fr

juliealbert1 at hotmail.fr

David Del Testa, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of History Office: 1 (570) 577-3779

Bucknell University Cell: 1 (805) 427-6429

1 Dent Drive

Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 USA

ddeltest at bucknell.edu

Shawn McHale mchale at gwu.edu

Thu Oct 29 08:02:50 PDT 2015


I would assume -- but could be wrong -- that you might find such material

in the Revolutionary Museum (Bảo tàng cách mạng) in Hanoi, where I did

research in materials they collected on an earlier period -- 1930-45). It

can't hurt to ask . . .

Shawn McHale

Rob Hurle rob1940 at gmail.com

Thu Oct 29 17:59:00 PDT 2015

I have quite a bit of material from the Bảo Tàng Cách Mạng in Hanoi, mainly

related to the 1940-1954 period, as well as some similar material from the

Thư Viện Quốc Gia which I am willing to share. As I am no longer

associated with a university or other institution, it is difficult for me

to upload the material for general access but if people want to get in

touch privately I am willing to share CDs. I will contact Mathieu Guérin

and Julie Albert separately. Note that the Bảo Tàng Cách Mạng published a

set of their posters in 2007 "9 Năm Kháng chiến qua Tranh Tuyên truyền Cổ

động". I'm not sure whether this is still available as only 500 copies

were printed.

Rob Hurle

(Independent Researcher)


Rob Hurle

e-mail: rob1940 at gmail.com

Mobile: 0417 293 603 (Australia)

0948 243 538 (Vietnam)

Telephone: (02) 6236 3895

28 Mirrormere Rd, Burra, NSW 2620, Australia

Sophie Hughes miss.sophie.hughes at googlemail.com

Thu Oct 29 22:22:40 PDT 2015

Dear All

I run a history of art tour in HCMC and Hanoi (www.sophiesarttour.com). For

propaganda posters the HCMC Fine Arts Museum has a collection although it

is not currently on display. I would also recommend getting in touch with

the Dogma Collection http://dogmacollection.com/ the curator of the

collection is called Richard, I have copied him into this email. There is

currently an exhibition by Hoan Kiem Lake (north end) which shows

exhibitions that took place in Hanoi in 1945 and 1946. I took pictures of

all of the pictures so am happy to share these if they are useful.

Best Wishes


Margaret Suzanne Barnhill Bodemer mbodemer at calpoly.edu

Thu Oct 29 11:24:00 PDT 2015

Hi everyone,

The US National Archives has posted a collection of propaganda posters created during the Cold War for Asia, the Americas etc, and includes a lot for Vietnam and Southeast Asia. They were created under the direction of USIS and/or USIA.


These have been profiled in several posts on Lê Minh Khai's blog, which is where I first saw them: https://leminhkhai.wordpress.com/2013/09/25/svn-army-behavior-posters-from-the-1950s/


Margaret B. Bodemer, Ph.D.

mbodemer at calpoly.edu




San Luis Obispo, CA

Dan Tsang dtsang at uci.edu

Thu Oct 29 11:59:49 PDT 2015

For a subject guide listing of political posters more generally, see:

UCI Political Science/Political Poster Art


From: Vsg [mailto:vsg-bounces at mailman11.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of Margaret Suzanne Barnhill Bodemer

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 11:24 AM

To: Vietnam Studies Group <vsg at u.washington.edu>

Cc: juliealbert1 at hotmail.fr; Mathieu GUERIN <mathieu.guerin at inalco.fr>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] query on propaganda posters

Hi everyone,

The US National Archives has posted a collection of propaganda posters created during the Cold War for Asia, the Americas etc, and includes a lot for Vietnam and Southeast Asia. They were created under the direction of USIS and/or USIA.


These have been profiled in several posts on Lê Minh Khai's blog, which is where I first saw them: https://leminhkhai.wordpress.com/2013/09/25/svn-army-behavior-posters-from-the-1950s/


Margaret B. Bodemer, Ph.D.

mbodemer at calpoly.edu<mailto:mbodemer at calpoly.edu>




San Luis Obispo, CA

John Whitmore johnkw at umich.edu

Fri Oct 30 09:05:52 PDT 2015

Here are online posters from the collection of radical materials held here

at the University of Michigan.. As she indicates there are some from the

VN war. John Whitmore, UM

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Julie Herrada <jherrada at umich.edu>

Date: Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 1:53 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] query on propaganda posters

To: John Whitmore <johnkw at umich.edu>

Hi John,

All our posters are online now here:


We do have some wartime Vietnamese propaganda posters. If you search the

database using the words *text Vietnamese* you will find them.


Julie Herrada, Curator

Joseph A. Labadie Collection