Studies on Corruption under the Republic of Vietnam (VNCH) time

Toan Nguyen nguyen.quoc.toan at

Wed Nov 25 00:42:42 PST 2015

Dear list members,

I am looking for some research/documentation/data on the corruption

situation under the Republic of Vietnam (Viet Nam Cộng Hòa) time. While I

will surely spend time doing google research, I would be grateful if you

have in mind any information regarding this topic.

I am working at Cao Đẳng Việt Mỹ and Broward College-Vietnam Center under

Insitute of American Education, Vietnam. However this inquiry is my

independent research.

Many thanks.

Nguyễn Quốc Toàn


* Cao Đẳng Việt Mỹ and Broward College- Vietnam Center*

*5-11, 4th St., Trung Son, HCMC*

*T: (84-8) 5433 6888 – F: (84-8) 5431 6245*

*W: <> *

*Email: toan at <toan at> *

Brian Zottoli bzottoli at

Wed Nov 25 08:38:11 PST 2015


Not limited to the topic you mentioned, but for economic history of that

period this study is an instant classic, don't skip it.


*Nation-Building** and Nature in the Mekong Delta*


Dan Tsang dtsang at

Wed Nov 25 11:10:56 PST 2015

Toan, in Google, search using this search string for the Google News Archive:

Corruption South Vietnam

I get 2470 hits in the results in 0.36 seconds!

Some of the results on the first page:

Corruption Is Major South Vietnam Enemy . - Google News News

Corruption Is Major South Vietnam Enemy . Jack Anderson says! Cor ruption is South Vietnam's major enemy; refugee relief shamelessly diverted to mili tary: ...

Corruption Major Enemy Of South Vietnam . - Google News News

Corruption Major Enemy of South Vietnam . By JACK ANDERSON . SAIGON Although the Viet Cong are still pounding on the gates of Saigon and the city drifts ...

Why South Vietnam Fell: Corruption And Inaction . News

Why South Vietnam fell: corruption and inaction . SANTA MONICA, Calif, The fall of South Vietnam in 1975 was the result of American misunderstandings, ...

South Vietnam Corruption Is Seen Prolonging War . News

US civilian adviser says the United States must boldly take the initiative to root out corrup tion in South Vietnam's govern ment because, he insists, there aren't ...

Corruption Worst Enemy In Aiding South Vietnam . News

Corruption Worst Enemy in Aiding South Vietnam . By JACK ANDERSON . SAIGON— Although the Viet Cong are still pounding on the gates of Saigon and the ...

I’m using the archived newspapers site for Google.

I used the site:

* Google News Archive<>

Enter search term and click on: Search Archive.

You can also browse lists of archived newspapers there.

From the UCI subject guide News & Newspapers: Archived news web sites


Daniel C. Tsang

Distinguished Librarian

Data Librarian and Bibliographer for Asian American Studies,

Economics, Political Science, Orange County documents (interim)

468 Langson Library, University of California, Irvine

PO Box 19557, Irvine CA 92623-9557, USA

1 949 824 4978 (Tel); 1 949 824 0605 (Fax), dtsang at<mailto:dtsang at> (E-mail)

Office hours: 4-4:30 p.m. Fridays when on campus, or by appointment

My Subject Guides:

Toan Nguyen nguyen.quoc.toan at

Thu Nov 26 21:25:43 PST 2015

Dan and Brian,

Tks so much for the help. I will surely look into it.

