Pierre Pasquier

Dear list,

Does anyone happen to know where Pierre Pasquier's papers are kept, if they

still exist? They're (surprisingly) not in Aix-en-Provence, and the archivists

there have been unable to help me.


Charles Keith

Yale University

Dear Charles,

I have no clue to the whereabouts of Pasquier, but would be very interested

to learn if you find his papers as well as other highly placed Indochine

officials, especially Albert Pouyanne who rose through the ranks as a

public works engineer. Was Pasquier ever chief of public works in

Indochina, but I may be getting him confused.


Dear Charles and David,

I found numerous correspondences from Pasquier in Aix. They were all

related to motion picture controls. I don't think these would be

considered his letters, but it might be interesting for you. Ask Marie

Paul Blasini for help looking in the Fonds Locaux (GGI) and Fonds

Ministeriels (NF) relatated to "affaires politiques."

Dean Wilson