Vietnamese films with moral dilemmas

Vu Thi Quynh Giao vtq.giao at

Tue May 19 07:31:21 PDT 2015

Dear list,

Could you help suggest a few Vietnamese movies that deal with moral


I'm setting up a film society and despite our wish to spark discussions

about issues that really resonate with Vietnamese society, we've found only

American movies. Recent movies produced in Vietnam are either

entertainment-oriented or propaganda-led, and it seems hard to find

anything in between.

Thanks, in advance, for your help.



Vu Thi Quynh Giao

Independent Researcher

Ho Chi Minh City

Stephen R. DENNEY sdenney at

Tue May 19 11:11:25 PDT 2015

A documentary film produced by northern intellectuals around 1988, I don't

know the Vietnamese title, but it has the English translation "Kindness".

It was a reflection of Vietnamese society,poverty and values at that point.

Party chief Nguyen Van Linh intervened to allow it to be shown. I saw it

here at UC Berkeley and I believe it is also on youtube. Barbara Crossette

of the New York Times reviewed it and similar films from Vietnam at the


Steve Denney

library assistant

UC Berkeley

Fox, Diane dnfox at

Tue May 19 11:42:40 PDT 2015

Hi Steve --

Yes, we are both thinking of the same one, "Chuyen Tu Te", by Tran Van Thuy.


Diane Fox


College of the Holy Cross

Dan Tsang dtsang at

Tue May 19 16:21:19 PDT 2015

Steve, do you mean this film? We have a VHS of it.


Chuyện tử tế [videorecording] : Tập II = How to behave : a story about kindness / [directed by] Trần Văn Thủy, Hồ Trí Phổ ; [writer], Nguyễn Thanh An


New York, NY : First Run/Icarus Films, 1987

More Resources:

Search Melvyl<>


Call #


Ayala Science Library Multimedia Resources Center (MRC)<>

HN700.5.A8 C48 1987<http://antpac/search%7ES2?/cHN700.5.A8+C48+1987/chn++700.5+a8+c48+1987/-3,-1,,B/browse>


[Email to me]<http://antpac/search~S2/?searchtype=X&searcharg=+++%09Chuy%E1%BB%87n+t%E1%BB%AD+t%E1%BA%BF+&searchscope=2&sortdropdown=-&SORT=DZ&extended=0&SUBMIT=Search&searchlimits=&searchorigarg=XKindness%26SORT%3DD#here> [Send via text message] <http://antpac/search~S2/?searchtype=X&searcharg=+++%09Chuy%E1%BB%87n+t%E1%BB%AD+t%E1%BA%BF+&searchscope=2&sortdropdown=-&SORT=DZ&extended=0&SUBMIT=Search&searchlimits=&searchorigarg=XKindness%26SORT%3DD#here>

Permanent link to this ANTPAC record



1 videocassette (43 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in

Content Type

two-dimensional moving image





Subject - LCSH



Vietnam -- Social conditions<http://antpac/search%7ES2?/dVietnam+--+Social+conditions/dvietnam+social+conditions/-3,-1,0,B/browse>


Documentary films<http://antpac/search%7ES2?/hDocumentary+films/hdocumentary+films/-3,-1,0,B/browse>

Feature films<http://antpac/search%7ES2?/hFeature+films/hfeature+films/-3,-1,0,B/browse>

Other author

Trần, Văn Thủy (Film director)<http://antpac/search%7ES2?/aTr%7Bu1EA7%7Dn%2C+V%7Bu0103%7Dn+Th%7Bu1EE7%7Dy+%28Film+director%29/atran+van+thuy+film+director/-3,-1,0,B/browse>

Hồ, Trí Phổ<http://antpac/search%7ES2?/aH%7Bu1ED3%7D%2C+Tr%7Bu00ED%7D+Ph%7Bu1ED5%7D/aho+tri+pho/-3,-1,0,B/browse>

Nguyễn, Thanh An<http://antpac/search%7ES2?/aNguy%7Bu1EC5%7Dn%2C+Thanh+An/anguyen+thanh+an/-3,-1,0,B/browse>

First Run/Icarus Films<http://antpac/search%7ES2?/aFirst+Run%2FIcarus+Films/afirst+run+icarus+films/-3,-1,0,B/browse>


How to behave

Other title

Chuyện tử tế (Motion picture)<http://antpac/search%7ES2?/tChuy%7Bu1EC7%7Dn+t%7Bu1EED%7D+t%7Bu1EBF%7D+%28Motion+picture%29/tchuyen+tu+te+motion+picture/-3,-1,0,B/browse>


In Vietnamese with English subtitles



Prompted by a dying friend who urges him to lead a life of kindness, and by a bricklayer who asks why films do not show the lives of ordinary people instead of fictions, the filmmakers go on an odyssey looking for kindness or charity in Vietnam where the rich and powerful are few and those in poverty and suffering are many. The filmmakers find it ironic that although the "people" rule the country, ordinary people have almost completely disappeared from the arts. Meanwhile true human suffering and kindness are found in the nuns who take care of the patients in a leper colony. The filmmakers note the contradiction that although they admire the strength of ordinary people, they find it hard to imagine giving up their own privileges for charity's sake

Local lc call number

HN700.5.A8 C48 1987


Vuong Vu-Duc vuduc.vuong at

Tue May 19 16:58:34 PDT 2015

Besides "Chuyện Tử Tế" , Quynh Giao, you may want to check out some of the films by Dang Nhat Minh that often have a certain angle of moral dilemma,

such as "Cô Gái Bên Sông", "Mùa Ổi", or his best known "Bao Giờ Cho Đến

Tháng Mười"

Have fun watching,


Susan Hammond susanhammo at

Tue May 19 17:06:08 PDT 2015

Is it *The story of Kindness*? which is one of the translations. Also

sometimes called "*How to Behave"*. If so it is a film by Tran Van Thuy.

If it is not on youtube i have copy that i got from Tran Van Thuy several

years ago. it was on VHS but i have it now on DVD.


Merle Ratner merle_ratner at

Tue May 19 17:07:11 PDT 2015

Cô Gái Bên Sông is a wonderful movie and has been subtitled in English!

Merle RatnerResearcher/ActivistNewYork, NY

Haughton, Dominique DHAUGHTON at

Tue May 19 20:05:18 PDT 2015

Greetings to all, I was also going to suggest Dang Nhat Minh’s work, and I would in fact suggest his recent movie “Dung dot”, which I found very interesting as well. Mua oi very much outlines moral issues too. I will try to find Co Gai Ben Song. Very best to all, Dominique<>


Dominique Haughton

Professor of Mathematical Sciences and Global Studies

Bentley University


Lan Duong lan.duong at

Wed May 20 08:59:35 PDT 2015

hi all,

I have some suggestions as well. Just a quick note: Đặng Nhật Minh’s films are very good in this regard; however, I believe you are talking about Cô Gái Trên Sông — and if there is an English subtitled version of the film, can someone provide the link for it?

Besides films by Trần Văn Thủy and Đặng Nhật Minh, there are other films made roughly during the same time period that deal with morality as well as prostitution and corruption

Tướng Về Hưu

Anh và Em

Lưới Trời

Gái Nhảy

More recent examples by Vietnamese diasporic filmmakers are Charlie Nguyen’s Dòng Máu Anh Hùng, an action film which is concerned with anti colonial resistance but also being on the right side of history, and Nguyễn Võ Nghiêm Minh’s Nước deals with environmental degradation and corporate corruption in Saigon’s near future. I also found Nguyễn Hoàng Điệp’s 2014 film Đặp Cánh Giữa Không Trung, or Flapping in the Middle of Nowhere, about young women and the issue of abortion compelling.


Lan Duong

Associate Professor

Department of Media and Cultural Studies

UC Riverside

INTS 3141

Riverside, CA 92621


Stephen R. DENNEY sdenney at

Wed May 20 11:26:53 PDT 2015

Dan, yes I mean that film Another Vietnamese film I recall seeing some

years ago is A General Retires (Tuong Ve Huu), based on a short story by

Nguyen Huy Thiep. I notice this film is also on youtube, but without

English subtitles.

Steve Denney

library assistant

UC Berkeley.

Vu Thi Quynh Giao vtq.giao at

Wed Jun 10 02:00:33 PDT 2015

Dear list,

Given that many VSG members have recommended *Bao Gio Cho Den Thang Muoi

(1984), *our film society will have a screening of this classic.

Accordingly we want to invite the film's director -- Dang Nhat Minh -- to

join our panel discussion. If you happen to have his contact details, I'd

appreciate you sharing them with me off list.

Thanks in advance!


Vu Thi Quynh Giao

Independent Researcher

Ho Chi Minh City