New Online Dictionary of Vietnamese Terms

From: George Dutton

Date: Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 7:26 AM

Dear VSG,

Just thought I'd pass on an interesting on-line resource I stumbled across today. This is a topically organized dictionary of terms, names, places, etc. relating to all aspects of Vietnam. It is searchable but you can also work your way through the separate topics and scroll through alphabetically. The interface is a bit clumsy, but generally seems to work. The entries I've seen are fairly standard in their summaries, as one might expect from an officially-produced website (under the auspices of the Viện Khoa Học Xã Hội), but nonetheless a useful quick resource. I used it to find the starting and ending publication dates for a number of colonial-era newspapers.

Hope it is of help to someone.



George Dutton

Chair, Southeast Asian Studies IDP

Associate Professor

UCLA Department of Asian Languages and Cultures