Nguyen Thi Binh

From Thu Jan 27 19:59:46 2005

Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 19:58:16 -0800

From: Rebekah Collins <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Nguyen Thi Binh

Dear list,

An American mathematician who has worked periodically with Vietnamese mathematicians since the 1970s has asked me to help him locate biographical information on Nguyen Thi Binh to prepare for an interview he and his wife will conduct with her this spring. He also wonders about possible places to publish this interview. Can anyone help?


Rebekah Collins

From Fri Jan 28 09:33:39 2005

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 09:31:53 -0800

From: Stephen Denney <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Re: Nguyen Thi Binh

The UC Berkeley Indochina Archive has biographical files on Vietnamese NLF and DRV/SRV leaders, which I presume would include Nguyen Thi Binh. Unfortunately the archive is now basically closed to the public, but the Vietnam Center of Texas Tech should also have these files, as all the biographical files were photocopied, with the copies sent to TTU, when Doug Pike moved there in 1997.

- Steve Denney

From Fri Jan 28 10:24:19 2005

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 12:25:07 -0600

From: "Maxner, Steve" <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: RE: Nguyen Thi Binh

Steve Denney is correct. We have a copy of the Pike Collection Biography Files. It is Unit 8 of his collection and it contains approximately 27 boxes of related materials. Unfortunately, we do not have that material available online and we do not have a detailed finding aid for it. That component of the Pike Collection is organized alphabetically and is available for on-site use. Here's the record information for it:

See More Information

Title: Finding Aid

Collection: Douglas Pike Collection: Unit 08 - Biography

Date: No Date

Media Type: Finding Aid

Item Number: 2360000000

View Item:

Link to Finding Aid for Douglas Pike Collection: Unit 08 -


Please note: you may retrieve the finding aid on the Virtual Vietnam Archive by entering the item number as listed above and then when you click on the icon it will open the finding aid in a separate browser window. Again, that collection finding aid is not detailed but it will assist you in isolating the boxes you need to access in order to find information on your research subject.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if I may be of any further assistance.



From Fri Jan 28 14:34:12 2005

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 14:32:42 -0800

From: Stephen Denney <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: RE: Nguyen Thi Binh

Although we never developed finding aids, I did write up an inventory of the UCB Indochina Archive shortly after Doug Pike left in 1997, which can be found at :

The major addition to the archive after this was written were the files of the Indochina/Southeast Asia Resource Center, which amount to around three or four file cabinets, or around 15 file drawers.

A part of the paper files dealing with the war years was put onto microfiche in cooperation with University Microfilm International -- most of these files in paper form were sent to Texas Tech. Those microfiche are now here in the main library of UC Berkeley (just processed). Most of the files remaining in the UCB archive (about half of the original collection) are of the post-75 period, although the fate of these files is now uncertain, at least to me, since the archive has no funding and appears to be closed to the public.

- Steve Denney

From Sat Jan 29 08:56:42 2005

Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 11:55:03 -0500

From: Linda Yarr <>


To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Re: Nguyen Thi Binh


You might let your friend know about the journal Critical Asian Studies. There is a feature called "Notes from the Field" that might be a good vehicle for an interview with Nguyen Thi Binh.

Linda Yarr