Bibliographies of Catholics and Protestant literature on Vietnam

From: <>

Reply-To: Vietnam Studies Group <>



Date: Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 11:02 PM

Dear Charles,

Did you take a look at the compiled list of Christian literature on Vietnam by

Michael Poon (the Center for the Study of Christianity in Asian, Trinity

Theological College, Singapore)?

1-There are also source documents (adobe reader) such as:

CSCA: Christian and Missionary Alliance Publications on Vietnam (1917-1975}

2-CSCA: Christian Literature on Vietnam and other Southeast Asia countries in

Yale Libraries



From: Tuan Hoang <>

Reply-To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

To: Vietnam Studies Group <>,


Date: Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 11:32 AM

Charles Keith also asked for secondary sources on Protestant missionary activities during the RVN period; here are a few. They tend to focus on relief rather than evangelization, though one could argue that relief was a form of missionary work.

1. Scott Flipse, Dissertation at Notre Dame: Bearing the cross of Vietnam : umanitarianism, religion, and the American commitment to South Vietnam, 1952-1975 (2003). It concerns Mennonite Central Committee, Lutheran Relief Services, and Catholic Relief Services.

2. Flipse, "To save "free Vietnam" and lose our souls : the missionary impulse, voluntary agencies, and Protestant dissent against the war," in Daniel H. Bays & Grant Wacker, ed., The foreign missionary enterprise at home: explorations in North American cultural history (2003). About VCS, a joint project of several Protestant groups.

3. The journal Peace & Change (April 2002) has several articles on NGOs in the RVN: CARE, IVS, VCS, CRS, also the NCC.

4. Luke S. Martin, An evaluation of a generation of Mennonite mission, service and peacemaking in Vietnam 1954-1976: Vietnam study project (1977).

5. Mary Sue Rosenberger, Harmless As Doves: Witnessing for Peace in Vietnam (1988). A collection of letters written in 1966-1967 by a Brethren Volunteer Service member in Nha Trang.

6. Crucial background to all this is the shifting relationship between religion & state after WWII. See Robert Wuthnow, The Restructuring of American Religion (1990).



From: Stephen Denney <>

Reply-To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Date: Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 12:08 PM

Eglises d'Asie is a useful source for ongoing developments related to Catholics and other religions in Vietnam (and other parts of Asia). Here is its website:

The current issues are reserved for subscribers only but older issues (I believe six months or more older) are accesible to everyone free of charge.

- Steve Denney


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