Need for review of Nguyen Chi Thien controversies

Dan Duffy <>

date Feb 15, 2007 2:30 PM

subject [Vsg] need for review of Nguyen Chi Thien controversies

Hi all,

There has been for some years a controversy in the overseas press about

the identity of the poet Nguyen Chi Thien.

My own view is that this question has the intellectual status of the

crypto-communism of Nguyen Ngoc Ngan. The government of the United

States and Human Rights Watch think the man known here as Nguyen Chi

Thien is the famous prison poet, and so do his translator Nguyen Ngoc

Bich and other contemporaries and compatriots of literary sensibility

and historical understanding who have examined him. His sister received

the man now living in the US as Nguyen Chi Thien as her brother when he

was released from jail, and his uncle and brother received him in the US.

But I just got a call from a nail shop that left me wishing I could say

that the matter has received proper attention in English-language

scholarship. A concerned woman perseverated on my ignorant disrespect

for Viet Nam as evidenced by my support for the man known as Thien until

I told her to get a job and do some scholarship herself.

She probably does have a job, if not two or three, and scholarship is

evidently not her profession. Thien's poetry is so tied to his person

as a prisoner that claims about his identity should be dealt with. His

survival, of all those who perished in those camps, is unusual and he

has not composed poetry since arriving in the US. Some people do

survive disasters, and most poets do stop writing poetry when youth is

gone, but the skeptics aren't wholly in the grips of solipsist

skepticism. The larger issue of bizarre claims as a basis for

intellectual life among Vietnamese Americans is also worth attention.

But I don't have time for that, any more than I have time for these

calls. If someone is free to examine the arguments against the identity

of the man known as the author of Hoa Dia Nguc, and report on them for

VNLP I will be most obliged. You don't have to agree with me or even

come to a clear conclusion. Just present a literature review with

probity and documentation, so I can explain to some deeply alienated

poetry lovers that their views have not been dismissed without review by

English-language scholarship.

You also have to sign your work, and maybe take some calls of your own

from nail shops. I can provide an honorarium and pledge to get your

work reviewed by peers and to promote it seriously. Please let me know




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