"Bar Girls"

Bar Girls

From: VSG-owner@u.washington.edu [mailto:VSG-owner@u.washington.edu] On

Behalf Of hhtai@fas.harvard.edu

Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 2:56 PM

To: Vietnam Studies Group

Subject: A friend thought you might be interested in this article


hhtai@fas.harvard.edu thought you would be interested in this article from TIME.com:

TIME Asia Magazine Social Evil Sells -- May. 12, 2003 http://www.time.com/time/asia/magazine/article/0,13673,501030512-449518,00.html

Comments: See also article on young Vietnamese prostitutes in Cambodia

on BBC Vietnamese language service.


Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 23:11:48 -0700

From: Michael DiGregorio <m.digregorio@fordfound.org>

Reply-To: vsg@u.washington.edu

To: Vietnam Studies Group <vsg@u.washington.edu>

Subject: RE: Bar girls

Dear All,

I saw Bar Girls as a guest of the Cinema Department. The film is an attempt to produce something on the equivalent of "Philadelphia" but with an appeal to young people. As far as I am concerned, it does not succeed since it titillates without informing and relies heavily on stereotype. There are also generational issues at stake. As I was leaving the theater, I heard a middle --aged man tell his wife "That was nothing special." I think an older generation who is more accustomed to films that focus on the social issues that are part of their memories found this film empty. At the same time, the vice director of the Cinema Department told me that real "bar girls" show up to see the film day after day. From a brief scan of the taxis arriving at the national theater, I'd say she was right.

Regardless of its artistic merits, filmmakers are pleased. First because it shows that Vietnamese have not abandoned cinema as an informational and entertainment venue. Second, because they believe the film points out clearly to the Cinema Department that films that appeal to audiences can earn money.

The film has reportedly earned roughly 1 million dollars. For most of last spring, it was the number one date movie.
