Regional competition in VN

From: Thomas Jandl <>

Date: Jun 27, 2006 11:13 PM

Subject: [Vsg] regional competition in VN

I am looking for analysis of inter-provincial competition after the economc opening associated with doi moi. In particular, I am interested in reactions of less reform-minded provincial governments/leaders to the early movers like HCMC/Sai Gon province.

Any suggestions?


From: Markus Taussig <>

Date: Jun 27, 2006 11:32 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] regional competition in VN

Not sure if he subscribes to this list, but if he doesn't Edmund

Malesky wrote his dissertation at Duke (submitted a year or so back)

on the impact of differing governance approaches in Vietnam across

provinces. I believe he looks in some detail at how local decisions

in HCMC and Binh Duong, in particular, interacted with central level

decisions, as well as interaction across provinces. Contacting him

directly might be your best bet ( As you may

know, the USAID-funded VNCI project now produces a "provincial

competitiveness index" that rates each province, and Prof. Malesky is

the lead researcher on that project.


From: Thomas Jandl <>

Date: Jun 28, 2006 7:14 AM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] regional competition in VN

Thanks for the info! Yes, I hav ea copy of that report, and emailed him at the time for a request.

I will contact him again. The index is of great interest to me, but at the very moment I am filling out my literature review for the piece and am looking for evidence of opposition to increased provincial autonomy in policy making in attracting FDI. I know from anecdotal evidence from foreign businesses that it happened, but need some background data.