
Bylaws of the

Vietnam Studies Group (VSG) of the Association for Asian Studies

Article I - Name

1. The name of the organization shall be the Vietnam Studies Group (VSG).

Article II - Governance

1. VSG is a group established by its Southeast Asia Council (SEAC) of the Association for Asian Studies (Association) and is governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association. VSG shall meet the legal, financial, and reporting requirements of the Association.

2. These Bylaws supersede any previous Bylaws for VSG.

Article III - Objectives

1. The objectives of VSG are:

a. To form a scholarly, nonpolitical, and nonprofit professional association of all persons interested in Vietnam Studies;

b. To promote interest in and scholarly study of Vietnam;

c. To encourage research and publication in Vietnam Studies;

d. To promote cooperative activities and exchanges of information within the field of Vietnam Studies;

e. To facilitate contact and exchange of information between scholars and scholarly organizations around the world.

Article IV - Membership

Section 1 - Definitions

1. VSG membership is open to all persons interested in Vietnam Studies and shall be divided into such classes as defined in these Bylaws. Only members of the Association for Asian Studies are eligible to hold office in the VSG.

Section 2 - Privileges

1. Members in good standing are those persons who are dues-paying members

2. Only members in good standing are eligible to hold elected or appointed offices and only they may vote in elections and at any special elections.

3. The term of Membership runs from one Annual Business Meeting to the next Annual Business Meeting.

Section 3 - Dues

1. Membership in VSG shall be divided into the following classes for the purpose of assessing annual dues:

a. Regular membership (professionals)

b. Student, Retired and Adjunct

c. Residents of ODA-recipient countries

2. Dues rates shall be determined by Members, upon a proposal from the Executive Committee.

3. The Treasurer shall collect dues in the form of cash or a check (payable to the Association), or by online payment to the Association website.

4. Members are encouraged to subvene the dues of members in Vietnam or other countries where the costs of dollar transfers are prohibitive for small transactions.

Article V - Organization

Section 1 Authority

1. Ultimate authority in the VSG shall be exercised by the membership.

2. VSG is governed by all Association rules and financial requirements.

3. Members in good standing and with voting rights shall choose by ballot the members of the Executive Committee by procedures specified in these Bylaws.

4. Members in good standing and with voting rights are empowered to amend these Bylaws by ballot or by vote at the VSG Annual Business Meeting, as provided below.

5. Proposals concerning VSG policy may be initiated by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of the members by ballot or by vote at the VSG Annual Business Meeting.

Section 2 - Executive Committee

1. The Executive Committee shall comprise up to nine members in good standing who serve a three-year term. Terms shall be staggered, with approximately one-third of seats expiring each year.

2. The Executive Committee may include up to two Graduate Student Representatives who serve a one-year term.

3. The Executive Committee shall have authority to execute on behalf of the VSG all powers and functions that are consonant with these Bylaws and shall manage the affairs of VSG, with good faith, on behalf of the members.

4. When necessary, as outlined in these bylaws, the Executive Committee shall seek input from the members.

5. The Executive Committee shall meet at the time of the Annual Conference and shall hold such other meetings as are necessary; the Executive Committee also may conduct its affairs by mail, telephone or electronic means. However, if the Board votes other than at a meeting, any resolution thus adopted shall be approved by a majority vote of a quorum of two-thirds of its voting members.

6. The Executive Committee may also include Ex Officio members as follows:

a. The former VSG Chair serves in an advisory on-demand capacity, in order to support Executive Committee operations;

b. The Webmaster/Listserv Manager, in order to maintain the website and keep the listserv operating smoothly;

c. An Editor or Board Member of the Journal of Vietnamese Studies (JVS), in order to facilitate connections between VSG and JVS, in the event that the elected Executive Committee members do not include such a person;

7. Ex Officio members do not vote on Executive Committee matters or serve as Officers, although they are encouraged to offer their opinions during the deliberations on such matters.

Section 3 - Powers and Procedures of the Executive Committee

1. The Executive Committee shall manage the financial operations of VSG on behalf of the members, and in conformity with the procedures and mechanisms of the Association.

2. The Executive Committee shall have authority to execute on behalf of the members all powers and functions spelled out in these bylaws.

3. The Executive Committee shall create, supervise and delegate authority to all committees necessary to conduct VSG business.

4. The Executive Committee shall organize the VSG Annual Business Meeting at AAS.

5. The Executive Committee shall maintain regular communication as needed.

6. The Executive Committee shall administer any prizes or awards that are established by the members, and shall ensure inclusivity, equity and transparency in any selection processes for such prizes or awards and when soliciting and selecting proposals for any invited sessions at the Association annual conference.

Section 4 - Elections to the Executive Committee

1. Elections for the Executive Committee are held in the third quarter of each year, on a date designated by the Executive Committee and noticed to the members.

2. The terms of office of Executive Committee members (whether one-year or multiple-year terms) begin and end at the time of the Annual Business Meeting of the VSG. To facilitate its work the Executive Committee may involve outgoing or incoming members on an advisory basis during the time between the elections and the Annual Business Meeting.

3. The Chair and/or Treasurer will organize elections, unless they are standing for re-election, in which case another member of the Executive Committee shall organize the election.

4. Nominees may be self-nominated or nominated by someone else, prior to the announced deadline. At least [four][six] weeks prior to the election date, they shall submit a short biography and a statement of why they wish to serve (maximum 250 words). Such statements and bios shall be posted on the VSG website at least [two][four] weeks prior to the election.

5. If the number of nominees is equal to or smaller than the number of seats, the election will be considered uncontested and the nominees shall be considered elected. If the number of nominees is greater than the number of seats, voting shall be conducted by electronic means (e-mail or website).

6. An Executive Committee member may be removed from office by a majority vote of members [or of the Executive Committee].

7. In the event that a seat on the Executive Committee becomes vacant, it shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members, for someone who shall then hold office for the balance of the unexpired term.

8. In the event that an officer is unavailable to carry out their duties, whether temporarily or permanently, the Executive Committee may hold a special election to designate a temporary or permanent substitute.

Section 5 - Officers of the Executive Committee

1. The Executive Committee shall include three Officers: Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary.

2. The terms of office for such Officers shall be one to three years, to be determined at the time of election, beginning and ending at the time of the Annual Business Meeting of the VSG.

3. Approximately one month before the Annual Business Meeting, the Executive Committee shall meet by mail, telephone or electronic means to elect Officers; both incoming and outgoing members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible to vote in such election.

Section 6 - Officers’ Roles

1. The Chair shall have the following duties:

a. Shall provide primary leadership for the Executive Committee and VSG;

b. Shall oversee and delegate committees;

c. Shall serve as a non-voting member of each committee;

d. Shall represent VSG at the Southeast Asia Council (SEAC) at its Annual Meeting at AAS;

e. Shall communicate with Executive Committee members via email;

f. Shall organize and conduct the annual VSG Executive Committee Meeting and the annual VSG Business Meeting;

g. Shall serve as an Ex Officio member of the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity until the end of the term of their immediate successor.

2. The Treasurer shall have the following duties:

a. Shall work with the Association to manage the VSG financials, including deposits (revenues) and withdrawals (expenditures);

b. Shall periodically call for membership dues (usually at the Annual Meeting) and shall support any other fundraising as determined by Executive Committee;

c. Shall fill in for or support the Chair as needed.

3. The Secretary shall have the following duties:

a. Shall take minutes at the Annual Meeting and any other meeting as needed;

b. Shall circulate the minutes to Executive Committee for edits and approval, and then shall send the minutes to AAS and the Webmaster to be put on the website;

c. Shall work with the Webmaster to manage the website and social media as needed

d. Shall liaise with the Webmaster to ensure that timely information about elections and their results are made available to members;

e. Shall manage correspondence and other Executive Committee documents and information as needed;

f. Shall coordinate with AAS and any relevant media outlets to promote VSG news as needed;

g. Shall fill in for or support the Chair as needed.

Article VI - Annual Business Meeting

1. VSG shall hold its Annual Business Meeting in conjunction with the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference.

2. The agenda for the Meeting shall be sent to the members in a timely fashion (at least two weeks in advance).

3. The Chair shall be responsible for scheduling the Meeting in conjunction with the Association.

4. The Executive Committee shall report to the membership on the finances and activities of VSG, and the members in good standing shall adopt the annual budget, upon a proposal from the Executive Committee.

5. The Executive Committee shall bring recommendations of policies, activities, and projects to the members and ask them to discuss and, as deemed necessary, vote.

Article VII - Revenue, Expenditures and Financial Matters

1. All funds collected by VSG shall be used to support the objectives of VSG, and in conformity with the annual budget approved by the members.

2. In addition to dues, other donations or gifts may be solicited and accepted by VSG, and allocations requested and received from the Association, for purposes and activities that are consonant with these Bylaws.

3. When providing subventions to individuals, whether directly or indirectly, VSG shall take into consideration financial need, with priority given to graduate students, adjunct faculty, independent scholars, and colleagues from Vietnam or other ODA countries. (This provision does not refer to the graduate student paper prizes.)

4. The Executive Committee may vote to amend the annual budget to take advantage of new opportunities or to reflect adverse circumstances. Such amendments can be adopted by mail, telephone or electronic means; however, if the Board votes other than at a meeting, any decision thus adopted shall be approved by a majority vote of a quorum of two-thirds of its voting members. The results of such votes shall be brought to the attention of the members.

5. Neither Executive Committee members nor Officers shall receive any salary or compensation for their service.

6. The direct management of the finances of VSG rests with the Association, and the Executive Committee shall work closely with the Association to that end.

Article VIII - Amendments

1. Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any member in good standing and will be presented to the membership by the Executive Committee, with its recommendations if any.

2. Any amendment must be approved by a majority vote of those current dues-paying members of VSG who participate in such an election.

3. Any proposed amendment that violates the basic principles of these Bylaws shall not be presented to the membership for their consideration.