Marxism-Leninism curriculum

On Jun 24, 2021, at 1:09 PM, mmarklei <> wrote:

Hi all --

It's my understanding that Leninism/Marxism today comprises about 12% of university curriculum in Vietnam, down from about 25% in the past. I would be grateful for anyone who can point me toward legal documents (or other sources) that address this matter?

Thanks in advance.

Mary Beth Marklein

Ph.D. Candidate

International higher education

George Mason University


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On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 12:13 PM Phan Quang Anh <> wrote:

Dear all,

Actually, there was a writing piece compiled by Assoc Prof Le Van Thinh of USSH Hanoi that reviews the last 10 years of teaching Marxism-Leninism-related modules at university level in Vietnam. Names and numbers of related decrees are all mentioned. It is written in Vietnamese, though. You might want to take a look via the following URL:


PHAN Quang Anh, PhD (NUS)


From: Vsg <> on behalf of Worthen, Helena Harlow <>

Sent: Friday, June 25, 2021 12:30:25 AM

To: mmarklei <>

Cc: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] political curriculum?

If you go to the website

and search for “Worthen” you’ll find an interview about educational theory that I did with a Vietnamese teacher; in order to figure out the background to what he was telling me, I used the UC Berkeley library and came up with these (actual paper books, reports) which are in the bib for that interview:

Ministry of Education and Training, Government of Viet Nam; United Nations Development Programme; United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. 30 September 1992. VIE/89/022. Report of the Viet Nam Education and Human Resources Sector Analysis.Volume 1, Final Report. Phạm Minh Hạc, National Project Director, Hanoi

Ministry of Education and Training, Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 1994. Education in Vietnam: Situation, Issues, Policies. Pham Minh Hac, Editor in Chief. Hanoi.

Phạm Minh Hạc, 1998. Vietnam’s Education: The Current Position and Future Prospects. Hanoi, VN: The Gioi Publishers

See if you can get access to them at Berkeley somehow.

The 12% is what we were told, frequently, by other faculty at Ton Duc Thang in HCMC, and it looked to me (judging from classes that we saw being convened) that this was the case.

Helena Worthen

Pre-order Power Despite Precarity at with 30% off code: PDP30. Books ship August 20. Paperbacks come with free e-books.

From: Vsg <> On Behalf Of David Brown

Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 2:04 PM

To: Phan Quang Anh <>; Vietnam Studies Group <>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] political curriculum?

Thank you for your help and concern. US security software is notoriously chauvinistic. Mine seems to have a particular grudge against msgs from VN sent via

Anyhow, just before your 2nd msg arrived, John Hutnyk sent me a copy of the document as posted on the Faculty of History website at VNU Hanoi.

My anti-bug software didn't reject it; it's the document attached. Warm regards, David Brown